The Basilisk's Card

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Era studied her card. She was only give one out of four parts to a picture. Her part was the left part of a snake tail. Basilisk she had too much fantasy classes to know that.

Era noticed lots of boys gathering around Meta trying to figure out which card matched hers.

Luna on the other hand had already found her three new roommates their cards forming the picture of Bigfoot.

A simple tap on the shoulder snapped her out of her trance. She turned to the dragon behind her unfortunately it was the green dragon.

"Hey" he said holding his card out. The picture of a snake like mouth's left was printed on his card she pulled her card out and shifted it slightly to make a picture of a left half Basilisk.

Well this is great she thought to herself and a rose yellow dragon came up with the right half of the tail.

"All thats left is the right mouth" The green dragon said looking around for the final piece.

A vista blue dragon had only found her group before leaving it. Quietly she had manage to sneak a peak at the vista blue dragon's card. The final half of the Basilisk rested in her claw.

The vista blue dragon had accidentally bumped into the yellow rose dragon.

The yellow rose dragon would have lost it if Era hadn't grabbed the final half and snapped it with the rest of the Basilisk picture.

On the back of the newly made card was a number and a word. Dorm #1

The three dragons gasped at the number. Era turned to Ignitus only to find a grin on his face.

Her three new roommates noticed the grin and stared at her. Great attention the one thing I didn't want she told herself knowing that their questions would either make sense or not any sense.  

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