Anzu, The Lion Headed Eagle-Once God Demon

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"Era!" Era's eyes fluttered. She saw her father, Chusi, Astarot and Ryuu staring down at her.

"Ugh my head" Era said rubbing her sore head.

"I'm just happy to know that you" Ignitus stopped choosing his next words "were only sore. So no harm done" he said acting as if he didn't care too much.

"Are you serious?" Astarot burst out "She fainted onto the floor and somehow I'm the only one hoping no demon did this"

As the word "Demon" escaped his tongue Era felt a sudden shiver.

"See!" Astarot yelled startling Ryuu next to him "No dragon shivers, a dragon only shivers if the feeling of fear echos through out the dragon" he turned to Era "Where is he? I will personally make him pay" He only received a strange questioning look on Era's face.

His face turned dark pink in embarrassment "By the looks of it, you care about her more then any one else in this room" Ignitus said to a blushing Astarot.

"Oh some one else cares about his bundles of joy" A deep voice responded from a training dummy on the other side of the room.

The training dummy was different then the others in the room. It had a face that was ruined and part of it was crumbled. Its hand held an unconsciousness Meta and in the other an unconsciousness Luna.

The dummy threw them to the ground. Meta and Luna would have been forced awake if not for Ignitus catching his two other children.

"Get out of here" He told them. Era, on the way out, hit a button on the other side of the door. 

A siren echoed down the hallway. Era kept looking back to make sure that Astarot and Ryuu had her sisters safe.

A hand pulled her into a corridor. Her kidnapper's face was hidden by the shadows.

Era could only stare as her kidnapper moved out of the shadows to reveal a lion shaped head.

Era quickly tried free herself and so screamed to get some ones attention.

She shifted human and kicked him in the gut.

Opal ran as fast as she could trying to escape the lion headed demon.

Her mind was working trying to figure out who he was. Opal's eye caught sight of a tablet which she recognized as the Tablet Of Destines. She remembered the story of the god Enlil's tablet of destines and the thief, the guard of Enlil, Anzu.

Opal turned at a corner of course she thought but he died in battle against Ninurta how was he alive?

"Gotcha!" The once god demon cried into her ear. Opal shifted dragon trying to escape her captor.

She failed and was lifted up by Anzu. She could only stare at his evil smile. 

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