(A/N: i've been looking for an excuse to put these pictures in the story but couldn't think of anything so here u go lol)

I smile wide and giggle at the two before texting Josh back.

you two are dorks, love u

The day after the AMA's went fast. Before I knew it, the concert was only a couple hours away.

I spent most of the time before the show hanging with Josh, Tyler, and Jenna. We had brunch. We talked about the AMA's, Broken Castle's last show on tour and more.

All of us were on our way to tonight's venue. My phone vibrated in my back pocket, I look to see a text from Karma.

hey, what's up?

not much, what's up w u?

just found this.

I click on the picture K sent me and see that it's a series of tweets talking about Josh.

"Twenty One Pilots drummer Josh Dun sends Broken Castle's (Y/N) (L/N) a kiss at last nights American Music Awards."

What? How could they even know that was for me? I-I mean...it was but it's not like they know that for a fact!

Digging further into this nonsense, I open Twitter.

If something major happens, the Twitter community is definitely gonna be talking about it.

Scanning different tweets, I see a smorgasbord of replies.

"pls tell me that kiss was for (Y/N)! i miss those two :-("

"ugh i'm so tired of hearing abt josh and (Y/N). they weren't good for each other imo."

"josh and (Y/N) didn't work out before, what makes them think they're gonna work this time ??"

"tbh i still hardcore ship (whatever you and josh's ship name would be)"

I nudge Josh slightly with my elbow and he turns to me. I show him my phone, displaying the link Karma sent me.

He pays attention, grabbing my phone with his free hand as his other hand was intertwined with mine.

Josh roll his eyes.

"Eh, whatever I guess. It's dumb but everyone is gonna find out sooner or later." He pecks my forehead.

"But do we want them to find out this way? Without us confirming anything? Will they think we're being silly or that were scared of people judging us or-"


Josh stares at me with wide eyes.

Josh stares at me with wide eyes

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DISTANCE (Josh Dun x Reader) (SEQUEL) ✧ idkbrooklynWhere stories live. Discover now