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Jesse booked the right tickets, definitely. No doubt about it. Their airline, a small Indo-European one, had someone check their bookings, and it turns out who ever the supervisor or head counter had a major cock up. And as it were, the airline received two other complaints of admin issues that day, so who ever cocked up cocked up big time, and would most likely be fired.

Serves him right, the dickhead. Jesse thought as a Swedish woman explained to him on the phone about what happened. Since this was an administrative mistake, as whoever the customers was, if they got on the wrong plane some how, its still the supervisor's job to make sure that they get off the plane before takeoff, so the airline agreed to refund Jesse and Kristen's tickets and gift a few nights at a fancy hotel, which luckily was the five star one they are staying in now.
This was all if Jesse and Kristen don't spit a word about this little mishap of theirs.

Of course, the two agreed.

The suite was gorgeous. After changing, Kristen claimed the double bed in the room and had a bubble bath. The water was like silk and the foam like something else that's really soft. Even the urinal in the corner looked  amazing. Mean while Jesse woke up, and sat by the window, staring at the snow capped mounds, feeling like shit.

"I'm gonna get room service."
"Sweet." Jesse said, slouched on his bed as Kristen tossed him the menu. He caught it and started to flick through it. Kristen plopped onto the brown ottoman arm chair directly by the window. She could see her own reflection off the massive surface. With a mug of instant coffee, looking out.

They ordered the food, Jesse and Kristen laid in their places and once more retreated to silence. Sounds from outside came creeping in. Planes, birds and the sizzle of friction leaving the earth and entering space. Well, you couldn't really hear that, but this is Switzerland, someone somewhere in the proximity would probably have a friction-vibration hydrophone or something.

The food arrived. A blond man with an impeccable smile and shiney shoes pushed in a trolley. The food looked yummy and the two jumped at the sight of it. There was so much food, and so many delicious smells and textures that by the time they sat down and the server left, they were already drooling like a pair of French mastiffs.
Jesse squealed at the colour and smell of the raclette, and grabs one of the four coupelles, the tiny pans under the electric table top grill and scoops a slice of cheese from his plate. He scrapes the melted and gooey cheese over the slices of French bread and bintje potato, the gherkins and slices of steamed root vegetables. Kristen digs into her giant bowl of salad with various sauces and bites into a warm slice of vegetarian pizza. There were a few napkins fancily folded under the even fancier cutlery, and small plates of various snacks and started were darted across the trolley. Thin, firm slices of dark red meat, jerkies, more cheese, a mixed bean soup and fruit. Chocolate cakes the size of small plates were stacked on each other, a sort of caloric mountain, with streams of hot cherry sauce dripping from the top. There were little mints organised onto a small plate right in the center of the trolley with an assortment of different flavours.
They ate. Chatting every so often before going back to their food.
"Well, what are we supposed to do now?" Kristen asked, wiping relish off her chin.
Jesse looked up from his platter.
"I dunno, just enjoy this suite while it lasts." The smile. None of them have ever been in a place half as awe-striking as this.

A plane flew over near by.

"Do you think my dad's seem the note yet?" Jesse asked.
"Probably not. We said we would be gone for a few days, so there's no reason they'd go into your room just yet. Where'd you put the note?"
"Centre of my desk. Its really obvious."
"But come on," Kristen said between mouth fulls of cheese. "We both know they never go into your room. Plus, its not as if it's sooooo messy your parents have go in and clean it."
They stopped talking for a minute, then Jesse lifted his head again.

"You know what we should do?"
"Call Jake." Jesse said.
Kristen dropped her fork.

They both smiled.

「f r i e s  w i t h  t h a t?」kris stew auWhere stories live. Discover now