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Two birds were fighting. Two crows, or ravens. Kristen couldn't tell the difference. She was leaning on a short wall outside the small church yard, waiting for her friend to pick her up. Between the two of them, Jesse was the better driver, and the one with the car. He was coming back from Target with a bunch stuff for their little trip away. Meanwhile, Kristen visited her mum, and now she's watching the two animals quarrel. She wonders, what could those birds be thinking? The wind is mild and its warm with the sun out, shouldn't they be flying about chirping? Maybe they're fighting over another bird, a bird. As in, female.
Perhaps they'd sound like two boys fighting over who gets to take a certain pretty girl out. They might sound like angsty teens, tryna be tough and threatening. Kristen could just imagine the two bicker.

'Feck you, feathery twat.'
'I swear I'll peck out your fucking eyes if you fly anywhere near my baby bird.'
'I will bite you.'
'Chirp you, you duck.'

It took a bit of time, but Jesse finally arrived.
"Where did you go then, little bastard?"
"I had to fight this guy over soft toilet paper."
Kristen jumped into Jesse's car. It was a black mountain ranger, one he inherited from family. It was his uncle's, who died slipping on some shampoo.

The two drove. There was still a light breeze and the sun still pouring out radiation, so the journey, although quite long one, was an enjoyable one.

On the way to Jesse's house, of which is just sixty miles away, Kristen informed Jesse that their trip has been brought forward. They were leaving tonight, instead of tomorrow morning.

This was minor event, as the excuse to leave earlier was bought and agreed upon by Jesse's parents. They knew that the two kids would be going on a road trip somewhere off district, although they weren't quite briefed on the duration, or just how far off district.

Well, they'll know in a while.

Jesse and Kristen finalise their plan in his room. The two have all their cash spread out, their sunscreen and sanitary stuff all lined up, everything they needed and more they didn't need were organised as neatly as possible. Their food supply took up the most space in their shared suitcase, and Jesse's books took up a larger chunk than it should've.

A veil had come across the sky, and owls watched as two friends say goodbye to one's parents, and as they drove away, started to hoot like a flock of paraders, cheering Kristen and Jesse on their journey.

「f r i e s  w i t h  t h a t?」kris stew auWhere stories live. Discover now