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There was a baby crying, as there always is on an airplane.

Kristen and Jesse sat, and talked, and then retreated back into silence, just like they did in the airport.

Kristen looked out of the window. She could see New York growing smaller and small, until she could see the outlines of out state cities, and then gradually the whole east coast.

She counted clouds, and fell asleep for a while, and then Jesse and her learnt a few Siamese phrases just to start off.

They were looking at Tue basic grammar, and then memorised greetings, thank yous and some simple food names.

Then they got bored. Jesse pulled out his phone and they watched a film from the age of hippies, which is something they did quite often, after they both realised how much of a whore for the eighties they both were.

After Ferris Beuller finished his epic random musical number, Jesse gave his phone, of which is filled with pirated movies and binge-worthy shows, to Kristen and he fell asleep.

And Kristen filled her mind with endless episodes of Netflix originals.
Clouds past her window by the hundreds within the next few hours, but Kristen didn't notice at all, as she was too busy wondering why instead of the plane flying for another twelve hours, it started to land after only eight.

「f r i e s  w i t h  t h a t?」kris stew auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora