Chapter 9

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The high pitched shrill of the phone prompted many groans from around the room and murmurs for someone to "turn the damn thing off". I, being the one closest to the phone and the least hungover, seemed to be relegated to that job.

"Hello?" I croak down the line.

"It's 9 o'clock, breakfast finishes at half past girls you need to come and get some food girls." Our teacher informs me, then hangs up.

I screw my face up and roll over for a second, wishing I could spend more time in bed. I think back to last night, I remember bits and pieces, Josh necking me and then throwing up, someone spilling their drink down me, asking Tori for the key, but not much else. I" reach over and switch the bedside lamp on and nearly blinding myself.

"Lilli mun," Laila moans and puts her pillow over her face.

I stand up and grab it out of her hands, tossing it to the other side of the room.

"We need to go for breakfast." I tickle Laila's feet and she jumps up so quickly she nearly smashes her head against the ceiling, the noise prompts Tori to lob a pillow in our general direction.

The movement jolts Orla up and she squints against the light, "What's the time?"

"9." I say, already moving to shove some appropriate clothes on.

"Shit, Tori get up!" She says as she rolls out of bed.

When we're finally out of the door we're met with at least half of the people on the trip also making their way towards the restaurant.

"Guess everyone's hungover," Orla says as we move through the crowd.

"I'm not surprised, did you see how much drink was left at that end of the night. The dude was completely wiped out." Tori says.


I check the time as we get back onto the bus. 5pm. We'd spent the day shopping and everyone definitely had the bags to show for it. No one had any foot room because they'd dumped their bags there. I sit by the window and subtly angle myself away from Tori.

"You alright?" Tori asks me.

"Yeah, fine." I say, not looking at her.

"Hey," She ducks her head so she can meet my eyes. "You've been acting funny with me all day, something's up."

"It's nothing," I insist, moving to put my earphones in.

She grabs my arm, "If I've done something to bother you then just tell me so I can fix it, don't lie to my face."

I tug myself out of her grip, "I'm not lying, just leave me alone."

Tori pauses and lowers her voice, "Is this about last night?"

"What are you talking about? Josh?" I ask, tilting my head.

"What happened with Josh?" Her brows furrow.

"Nothing, what are you talking about." I accuse.

She huffs, "Just forget about it, it's not important."

I doze off in my seat, waking up when we pull to a stop.

"We're stopping at services," Orla says, leaning over the back of the chair to look at us.

I grab my purse out of my bag as the microphone crackles through the bus's speakers.

"It's currently half 7 and although we should be home by 9, unfortunately the bus driver has gone in the complete opposite direction to home so we won't be getting back until at least 11. You need to text your parents and if anyone's phone has run out of battery there are chargers available. We're getting off now and you have 20 minutes to grab some food and get back on the bus." The microphone disconnects and the noise level is deafening as everyone departs the bus.

"This is actually ridiculous, my mum is going to be so pissed." Layla says as the taps away on her phone.

"There's no way I'm going into school tomorrow." Orla states.

We split off the grab what we want to, I go to WHSmiths first and grab a couple of bags of sweets then I head to costa. I grab a hot chocolate and I'm just leaving the building when someone grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner.

"I've dealt with this all fucking day and I'm not spending another 5 hours sitting next to you on a bus whilst you pretend I don't exist. You're fine with everyone else so tell me what the fuck I've done wrong so I can apologise and fix it." Tori snaps at me.

"You've done nothing wrong, trust me, absolutely bloody nothing."

"Then what's the problem." She asks, searching my face.

"I don't even bloody know!" I snap. My eyes start to fill with tears and I close them, silently willing myself not to cry.

Two hands cup my cheeks and I open my eyes, blinking furiously around the tears.

"Calm down," She says.

Her face is inches away from mine and on instinct I lean in. Our lips touch and something inside me just says, yes. The world melted away around us as we kissed and every thought that had been flitting around in my head was obliterated. It was just us. The kiss was sweet and provided more comfort than any words ever could. Tori's thumb stroked my cheek as my hand drifted down to settle on her hip. All I can think of is the taste the mix of chocolate, coffee and something else that was just so perfectly Tori.

We pull apart and she rests her forehead against mine, our breaths mingling. Tori swallows and straightens and I watch her carefully. I've never kissed a girl sober before.

"This is going to be a problem," Tori murmurs so quietly I almost don't hear her and then to me she says, "Let's get back to the bus."

We walk back side by side, a sliver of space between us.

A/N: Their first sober kiss whoo! I can't believe I'm already on chapter 9, and that I've even got this far. Should I continue with it? Is it any good?

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