Chapter 3

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A guy bumps into me and I shrink away for the touch, trying to escape the overwhelming stench of his cologne. Next to me, Tori is passing her cup between her hands as she debates the next dare. We'd been slowly getting more and more drunk over the last hour as we played this game.

"I dare you to neck someone in this room." She says, still playing with her cup.

"But, I don't know anyone in here," I protest lamely.

"Isn't that better? You'll probably never see them again." She points out.

I sigh and survey the room. There's a lot of people in here but most of them are in groups. I spot a cute guy leaning against the opposite wall. I begin to make my way through the crowd towards him.

"Hey," I say when I reach him.

"Um, hi?" He replies with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Sorry about this," I say as I place my hands on his shoulders.

I lean in slowly, giving him the chance to pull away but instead he places his hands on my waist and tugs me towards him. Our mouths meet and our lips part against each other, my arms slide up around his neck as his tongue moves against mine. I linger for a moment then pull away from him and find him staring at me with a smirk on his face.

"Not complaining about that," He says and goes to lean in again, I duck out of his arms just in time.

"Thanks for the help." I say and disappear into the crowd, not waiting for his response.

"It's really strange how someone so shy is willing to do anything for a dare." Tori says when I'm at her side again.

"My fatal flaw, I'm terribly competitive." I confide.

"Ah, well that explains a lot." She murmurs to herself, and then to me she says, "Well? Dare me then."

Whilst I enjoy completing dares, I am absolutely terrible at daring others. They're always rather boring and uneventful. My eyes focus on her cup.

"What are you drinking?" I inquire, curious.


"Straight? How fucked are you planning on getting tonight." I ask with a laugh.

"They were out of lemonade and I hate coke so straight vodka it is," She explains as she takes another sip.

"Jesus. Okay, I dare you to down the contents of your cup then." I challenge, not believing she'd actually do it.

Tori doesn't hesitate before she throws back the contents of her cup, only grimacing slightly afterwards. I stare at her with a mixture or shock and horror and she shrugs at me.

"Are you even human?" I teased.

"Nope. That was boring, dare me again." She challenges.

"Oh, you know I'm terrible at coming up with them." I moan.

"It's not that difficult, Darling."

I debate for a second.

"Give someone a hickey." I dare and Tori looks around the room for a target. She smiles slowly and starts to make her way over to them.

My eyes see who she's heading over to and I curse under my breath and hurry to try and stop her. When I'm behind her I grab her arm and tug her to face me.

"Don't be an idiot, Georgia will kick the fuck off and it's not worth the effort of having to deal with that." I scold.

"I'm not scared of Georgia." She says and tugs her arm out of my hand.

I Dare You (GirlxGirl)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu