Chapter 4

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I roll over in my bed and burrow deeper into my cocoon of pillows and blankets, inwardly cursing myself for getting so drunk last night. The shirt I sleep in has twisted around my body and is currently acting like a waist trainer so I move to adjust it. I pry my eyes open and grab my phone from my bedside table, glad that I (or someone else) had made sure I'd taken it home with me last night. I click the home button and the screen lights up, blinding me. I scramble to turn down the screen brightness but I still have to squint slightly at the screen. 13:25. I nearly roll over and go back to sleep then my stomach lets out a whale call and I'm suddenly aware of how hungry I am. I grab my dressing gown from where I'd slung it over my bedpost and tug it on. My ankle is tender and I limp slightly as I walk towards my door.

I plod down the stairs like an elephant, no energy in me to be even remotely graceful this morning. Well, afternoon really. Kate's sprawled across the sofa reading a magazine, showing no signs that she was drunk last night even though I know full well she was. My mum is sitting at the island in the kitchen reading emails on her iPad. When I reach the bottom of the stairs they both turn to look at me.

"Fun night, Lilli?" My mum asks innocently.

"Oh, piss off," I mumble, heading for the fridge.

"You look like death," Kate states, glancing up at me.

"The outside finally reflects the inside." I say, already well aware what a mess I look like.

"Orla and Layla called to say they're sleeping over tonight." My mum informs me and I shoot her a questioning look.

"I thought you have work tomorrow?" I ask.

"I'm only looking at papers and it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours." She explains.

I open one of the draws and grab some paracetamol, swallowing them dry.

"I don't know how you can do that." Kate says, shaking her head with disgust.

"It's just like swallowing gum." I say.

"Gross." Is her only response.

I pull a box of cereal down from the cupboard and pour myself a bowl of cereal, I don't add milk because it makes me feel sick in the mornings and instead I just eat it with my fingers.

"I wish you wouldn't do that." My mother sighs.

"Would you rather I threw up all over the kitchen?" I ask through a mouthful of cereal.

"Your friends said they'll be her at 6 so I'd suggest you try to get some rest before then." She recommends.

"I'm gonna have a soak in the bath." I turn to my sister. "I'm borrowing one of your bath bombs, Kate."

"You owe me," She tells me and I smile at her appreciatively.

I go up to my bedroom, intending to grab some clothes to change into once I'm out of the bath but instead I fall asleep. I wake up to someone knocking on my door.

"Have you had your bath yet, Lilli?" Kate asks through the door.

"No, I'm going in now." I say as I heave myself up into a sitting position. Hopefully this means I won't fall asleep at 9 tonight.

"You've been up here for three hours!" Kate moans at me through the door.

Three hours? Shit.

"Sorry, I'll be quick I promise." I console her but she just huffs and stomps off.

I grab a fresh set of pyjamas and walk into the family bathroom to start to fill up the tub. I grab a bath bomb from the cupboard and drop it in, leaving it to turn my bath pretty shades of purple. When the bath is full I shut off the taps and submerge myself into the hot water, allowing the heat to seep into my muscles and relax them.

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