Chapter 8

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"The most exciting part of the trip." Layla says as we walk into the theatre.

Orla scoffs, "The only reason you came, isn't it?"

"Obviously. Who cares about shopping and hot English boys?" Laila flicks her hair behind her.

"Aren't you speaking to someone?" Tori asks.

"That doesn't mean I can't admire them from a distance." She says as she winks at a guy across the room.

"You're such a shameless flirt." I roll my eyes as we begin to file in.

"My only flaw." Layla jokes.

"I don't know, you do have a pretty big head." Orla says and Layla's hands shoot up to her face.

"My head is proportional to my body thank-" A look of realization crosses her face. "That's not what you meant."

Tori pats Layla's shoulder as we settle in our seats, "You got there eventually."

"Girls, it's starting be quiet." The teacher in front of us turns around to fix us with a stern look.

We all exchange looks then face the front.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I'm curled up in my seat and my head is resting against something, or rather, someone. I open my eyes, squinting against the bright light and find Tori looking down at me, an amused smile on her face.

"Comfortable?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

I nod and place my head back on her shoulder, closing my eyes again.

"C'mon Lilli. The play has finished we're going now." She nudges me again.

I just make a noise and adjust my sleeping position. She sighs then abruptly moves away so I pitch sideways, she manages to catch me before I break my nose on the back of the chair.

"I refuse to thank you for saving me as you were the one who put me in danger in the first place." I say as I grab my bag from underneath my chair.

"You wouldn't have been in danger if you had got up the first time I'd asked you." She says as she leads me out of the theatre.

"What are the plans for the rest of the evening?" I ask.

"Well, we're heading back to the hotel for food and the guys across the hall are hosting a gathering so we're going to sneak over." She says.

I grin, "Sounds fun."

"You need to stay with the group girls." The same teacher who'd scolded us earlier tells us.

"Sorry Miss." I apologise and turn back to my friends.

The bus journey is short, filled with an excited buzz. I've already heard multiple groups talking about how they're sneaking between rooms tonight. Whether the teachers were oblivious to it or simply chose to ignore it, I had no idea.

I ate a meal of bread rolls as my friends shovelled down their lasagnes. I absolutely hate lasagne, it tastes disgusting and the cheese is literally plastic. The only thing i possibly hare more than lasagne is sand.

We head back to our room and Laila retrieves the drinks from her suitcase as we change. Of course we're only walking across the hall but that's besides the point.

It's 9pm when we hear the teachers going to their rooms. We all listen anxiously in case they come into our room to check on us but they continue on, leaving us alone.

"We're going across in 10 minutes." Orla says as she wings her liner.

"Come her Lilli." Laila waves me over to where she's standing in front of the mirror with Tori.

I Dare You (GirlxGirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang