part 22

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*Anxiety pov*

I wonder what the others have been doing all day. After Roman left I decided to just make it rain. It felt so nice. It was warm rain so it was like showering with your clothes on. I was sensing someone approaching so I stood up. Weird there actually being quiet. Even Logan makes more noise than this. I stood up in alarm. Only me and the other main personalities could walk beyond our rooms. Well us and a... manifestation. Manifestations are never good. If they kill you they take your place. And they want to kill you. "Anxiety!" Screamed a very chilled and creepy voice. I started backing away. Another being appeared in my meadow. It looked like Thomas if he was a black mist. This is my manifestation. I never summoned one before. I'm not ready for this. I started backing up quicker. Until the mist seemed to crack off and a solid being of Thomas's base appearance was revealed. "Sorry bout that." It looked like every place that should have color was turned black. I was still backing up. There is something incredibly off about it. "Oh not really. Though I'm glad you're scared. Makes this more fun." What does it mean? What is it gonna do? You know what fuck this I am out of here! I turned around and ran. I tried teleporting forgetting about my magic represent. "Shit! HELP!!" I reentered the main part of the mind palace. I risked it and looked back to see it was quickly getting closer. "HELP!!" I ran that slight bit faster than before. I have to find the others. Or it's gonna catch me. They'll help me. A manifestation is something we all hate. No matter how much we might hate each other we all hate manifestations more than anything else. "This is fun Anxiety but-" He suddenly appeared in front of me. "I have the advantage." He grabbed at me and I dodged him and kicked his dick. I didn't waste time watching him fall and recover. Pattens room is closets. Please to God be in there.

*Roman pov*

"We could throw him a ball." That would be fun. Though does Anxiety dance. "To many people." Logan pointed out. "Sleepover!" Patten shouted. Logan wrote it down. We were gathering possible ideas. Apparently my ideas were mostly to grand and extreme. I think Logan is just playing favorites. "How about horse riding?" Patton awwed but Logan gave me the look. "That could be so much fun! Add it to the list! Please." Logan sighed and wrote it down. I'm totally right about something going on between the two. My ideas are always the best but he is just being to biased to realize that. I suddenly heard some faint yelling. "Sh sh... do you hear that." They fell silent and we listened. "HELP!!" Anxiety! I ran straight threw the door. I don't have the time to open doors. I rushed to Anxiety. I won't let anything happen to him.

*Patten pov*

I quickly replaced the door and reinforced it after locking it. With the way that Roman reacted can only mean danger. Logan is super weak and already hurt so that means I have to protect him. I joined him back on the bed. "What are are you gonna do if it gets in?" Logan asked. I started petting his hair. "You ever heard don't mess with Papa bear?"

*Anxiety pov*

Okay not being able to teleport is super unfair. I looked behind me. Lost him for now. I turned back around only to be grabbed by my neck and lifted in the air immediately being choked. "I like your fear. It tastes so good. GIVE ME MORE!!!!" It growled and slammed me head first into the wall. I immediately fell unconscious. I am so fucked.

*Roman pov*

I turned the corner to hear a slamming noise up ahead. I hurried up. Please be okay. I turned the last corner to find a being that looked like a... well who cares?!  What I care about is the unconscious Anxiety that is bleeding and is being dragged by the hood of his hoodie. "YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM FIEND!!!!" I think I will destroy him even if he surrenders. Nobody hurts Anxiety. "Oh what him?" It lifted Anxiety to a standing position. Anxiety hung like a rag doll. "Nah he's mine."  It threw him behind its self.  "Whatcha gonna do peasant?" I screamed and summoned my sword and armor. This being is going to be destroyed. I felt the ground beneath me turn white. The hallway widened. It would turn into a coliseum but I am too angry to wait for that. I ran at him and summed my warriors at the same time sending them to protect Anxiety.  "Kill me he dies." I stopped  my sword inches from his face. He looked happy and entertained. Their was a sliver of an emotion in his eyes that sickened me. "What does that mean?" I sensed one of the warriors picking up Anxiety. "He's fine." The warrior stated. "Just a little head trauma." The thing smiled. I summoned a shield as well, ready for the fight. "Oh really?" It suddenly pulled out a dagger and stabbed its stomach. I heard no sound from him but the scream from Anxiety was unmistakable. Two warriors grabbed the being and bound him, as I ran to Anxiety. I grabbed him from the warrior placing him on the ground while  pulling up his shirt to find no real wounds. Minus bruising on his neck and his head. "Taddaaaa!" It said right as a giant black bruise started spreading on his stomach. I turned to the being. Pointing my sword at him. "Explain." It started laughing. This thing is crazy. Did Anxiety summon something on accident and it developed a mind on its own? Did he summon- I stopped my mind as the answer popped into my head. His first manifestation. Anxiety has summoned his first nightmare. At time like this. Now he has to fight it in this state. "I'm glad you don't remember me sweet Ronan. It's not like we had anything." I turned to it not understanding what it is saying. "You really don't remember me do you? I expected him to not know cause... you know. The "incident"." I yelled and bashed him with my shield in anger. Anxiety groaned as I felt immediate regret. "Oh hit me again. I love hurting your lover. Hit me hit me hit me." I really want to. It is not making this very easy for me. "Like you actually care about him. We both know who you really care about. Well you know one thing hasn't changed. He's still terrified of me." Okay at the soonest moment possible I am killing this thing. Though the only person that can is Anxiety. "I'm just back. Patten let me out. Cutie. Gonna be easy to break him." If he doesn't stop talking I am going to lose my fake calm. "Look I want him back. Just like you. Sorry if I got a little lost in my fun. I'm back and I want to undo what they did." We all know that manifestions can feed off of all off us to feed and develop. This one has actually fed off of... me. Leech. It's how it knows so much. I have never met it but it will lie its way to try to convince me I have. "You want your lover back then let's get him back." I shook my head. This is a manifestation nothing more. They will lie and cheat and do anything to replace their manifestor. I turned to the two warriors holding it. "Hold him in the dungeon. Make sure he is completely immobilized." My arena faded as the hallway returned to it's normal state and I quickly took off with Anxiety.

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