Part 17

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*Roman pov*

Ahh sleep is a wonderful thing. But alas I must awaken and seize the- who is underneath me. I quickly opened my eyes. "Finally you wake up... Sleeping Beauty." Ah, just the emo nightmare Anxiety. I relaxed my body again pretending to fall back asleep. "Get up you ugly oaf!" He tried pushing me off. He really is weak. "Sorry sleeping beauty's needs a kiss to wake up." I teased him. He said it not me. He tensed. "I'm not kissing you, you idiot now get off me!" I sighed and lifted my body gracefully off of him. He grudgingly got up and headed for the door. What am I forgetting? Something-OHNO! I jumped up and quickly ran after him. He noticed this and started running as well. "Leave me alone Ronan!" Okay weak but fast. "No, you're not going back!" He can't go back.  I can't let it happen again."You can't stop me!" The next turn and it's over. I made a quick decision and teleported. He was a step ahead and he teleported as well. But instead of teleporting in front of his room he teleported in front of Logan who slapped something on his wrist as soon as he appeared. Anxiety's door was nowhere in sight. "Logan, how, what-" Logan stared blankly at Anxiety before explaining. "Logically in your state you would do anything to get in your room again. If running to your room failed you would teleport. Obviously." Anxiety pulled his wrist in the air confused. "What the fuck?" Yeah I don't get that one either. "This is a magic suppressant bracelet. I modified it so you can't teleport without the assistance of someone else. And only one person can take it off." That is one way to do it. Before any of us could say anything Logan was summoned by Thomas. Anxiety screamed punching the wall and than storming off. Seriously gonna leave me with this. Why does this have to get so complicated?

*Thomas pov*

I feel terrible. Absolutely terrible.I feel like all my favorite shows got canceled and deleted. This is worse than a breakup. Okay maybe not but this seriously sucks.  What is going on? I keep breaking down crying and I'm so confused and scared. "Logan?" He suddenly appeared. Like normal though he still has a sweater on. "Ah Emotions, why am I here?" Probably should have gone Patten but I didn't feel like it was a good idea. Which is kinda weird, but I am to wrecked to care. "Because I want to know what's going on. Nothing happened to me so why am I feeling like this? Is something wrong with me?" He sat at the foot of my bed that I feel to terrible to get out of.  "Not physically, but a lot is going on in your head. I suggest you get up and do something. Maybe call a friend over. But physically you are fine. It might take awhile to get some things sorted out." I sighed. Sometimes it is a bit difficult to get a straight answer. "Logan what is going on in my head." He sighed before explaining everything that had happened last night. "Why did you guys think it would be a good thing to not tell me what was going on?" He tilted his head. "None of us did we just... forgot to tell you." I sighed. Of course. "Do you think Roman will..." I remember what happened. It was the first time I visited the dream palace. It may be a blurry memorie but I know what happened. We can't let that happen again. "I think he knows better but he can be delusional. Let's just hope pain, triumphs stupidity."

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