Part 2

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"Patton, people have a things called boundaries. That you have a tendency to push and the brake. You have done that. So now if you would please leave me alone that would be more than amazing." I sat on my desk acknowledging Patton. Who had, once again, intruded in my room to only release a lot of emotionally charged questions. After the final Tallon joke we had all retreated from him. He really needs to learn control. He is getting on my nerves. Being the embodiment of logic made that very hard to do. "But Logan I said I was sorry. Please forgive me." He was starting to get teary. Oh no, emotions. "Please don't cry. Oh no please don't." He was getting closer to braking. Why does this have to be now? What does Thomas normally do when he gets upset. Go to Patten. What does Patten do. A lot of irrational and unhealthy decisions. I looked back at Patten. To late to get Roman, I will half to do. "Look how about you go lay down and take a break. I'll go make some pizza." That is one of the more healthier options. That I can remember. Patten hugs me and than lays down on my bed. I meant for him to lay in his bed or at least the couch. In his defense I didn't specify.  I held my tongue to tell him so. He would most likely take it the wrong way, and then start crying which is what am trying to avoid in the first place. I left my room after he appeared to have gained a sense of comfort. Guess I'm making pizza. The things I do to avoid emotions. I would swear but that is Anxiety's thing.

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