part 6

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*Logan pov*

Almost done. Who knew making pizza was so hard. Rhetorical question, everyone knows that. Or at least they should. I heard some yelling down the hall. What are Anxiety and Roman doing now? I swear those two practically live to infuriate the other. I heard some movement and a few profanities that is sure to make Patten upset. It really is just a poor use of language. Suddenly Patten burst into the kitchen and jumped into the fridge. Our fridge is a walk in one. Our home is a section in the mind palace. We have every logical and, unfortunately, illogical need. "Don't tell Anxiety were I am." He whispered closing the door right as a very pissed off Anxiety burst in. Okay what did Patten do. Last I checked he was laying down in my bed. "Where is the little shit?!" Okay Patten's chances of survival is very minimal if I answer Anxiety honestly. But so is mine if I lie. I put my hands up. "I prefer to remain uninvolved." I turned to check the pizza. Looks done. I reached to grab the oven mitts. Anxiety suddenly grabbed me and slammed me against the wall. His eyes are pure black. This is not good. "Don't want to be involved my ass. Now tell me... where, Is, Patten?" His grip is really starting to hurt. I don't even know what to do in this situation. Its physical confrontation. This is what Roman does. "ROMAN!!" Anxiety growled flinging me onto the island. A knife I left out while cooking punctured threw my arm, and screamed. Pain is pain no matter what you say. Before I fell off the other of end the island Roman teleported and caught me quickly setting me on the ground. He turned to Anxiety. Please be sensible enough to not kill each other.

Changing EmotionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang