Chapter 20- My Mate or My Mate?

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Chapter 20

Hey everyone there is finally going to be soon drama. Comment down below who you would pick. You will understand by the end of the chapter.

Chapter 20

I woke up to silence, There was peace till I heard screams. With a sudden urge I jumped up, only to be pulled back with brutal force. I quickly tried to pull my stiff hand out of the monster's reach, when I finally realized the hand was in fact..... cuffs.

The feeling of my flesh being ripped from me caused a scream to escape from my dry lips. But the thing is it wasn't my flesh. It was... Lucas. How did he know he was my mate?

"It was quite obvious." A shadow said. "After we won the battle I finally got the chance to check the closet. As I pulled you out he ran up to me and attempted to stab me. As we fought I realized the way he looked at you, he was in love with you, but not just any kind of love..... mate love." The alpha stepped out of the shadow and I watched as his teeth clenched.

"Now that I know why you left me, I understand but I won't give up on you. Tonight you shall go on a date with me." He seemed nervous, fiddling with his figures.... he almost resembled human attributes. "D-D-Do you accept?"

He's one of my mates I couldn't say no. "Sure, on one condition."

"What may that be?"

"You have to stop hurting Lucas, stop treating him like a prisoner." I demanded.



The maid hurriedly dressed me after I bathed.

Moments later I was led to a giant silver door. It was the door to the alpha's office.

"He's waiting for you." The maid said before returning to her duties.

"I can hear you, you may come in" He said through the doors.

I took a deep breath and walked through.


"Are you from Tennessee because you're the only Ten-I-See."

I raised an eyebrow at his cheesy catchphrase.

"Did you fall from heaven, because your an angel."

I sighed there's only so much one girl can take. "Okay why are you doing this?" I questioned him.

"What do you mean?"

"The cheesy catchphrases really?"

He's been saying them all afternoon. I sat in my uncomfortable white dress as my hair fell loose.

I've spent the whole afternoon getting to know him, which made me kind of want him.

But now I have to make a decision... Lucas or the alpha?

Multiple unthinkable eventsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя