Chapter 19- Another Breach

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Chapter 19

I'm backkk!! It's been a while. I will be updating more frequently because school out. I'm going to highschool next year, wish me luck.

Chapter 19

"Amelia! Give the toy back to Andrew. Andrew! Stop hitting Amy and Amy, take your finger out of Andrews ear." My hearing picked up a stern voice from the hallway.

Since females shared one room and males shared another, my mother and I crept to the door. While my fearful emotions escaped to the surface my mother's didn't. Her mischievous smirk plastered on the right side of her face complemented by her glowing skin and messy hair, gave me a sinking feeling.

The stern, army-like voice continued to boom throughout the hallway. As I exited the room my peripheral vision activated and I noticed all the doors creaking open. I shyly backed away into the shadow of my room's threshold.

A young girl with red hair (Much like my mother's) was dragging a metal toy airplane as she ran around the silver spiral staircase. Two other children that looked strangely similar to the first one, pulled angrily at each other's hair.

After a while the possibly 6 year old children shifted into wolves and started clawing at each other.

After they shifted a general looking lady quickly grabbed the fur of each pup and pulled them up until they dangled in the air. I held my breathe but my mother only sighed. It was something about the triplets that I recognized.

The general lady began whispering in their ear in a British accent, while everyone eavesdropped with their inhuman hearing.

That when it hit me. Those were the Scarlet twins. They're our second cousins from England. Their father is an American recording artist, and their mother is the first female Army Sergeant in the British army. We are from their dad side, American.

The werewolf-like scent masked the smell of my auntie's blood. The twins are only half werewolf.... And that half is from their father.

When the chaos ended my family, Some of the students and the pack members rushed downstairs for breakfast.


In the middle of eating my cheesy eggs, the house alarm blasted through the speakers. I felt my heart shake. Trouble was coming, my alpha has come for me.

The werewolves around me dangerously growled as I sat there shocked. How did he find me? Warrior werewolves quickly gathered all women and children in the cellar. Instead of going with the others I quickly hide in the closet close to the front door. Peering through the wooden flaps I watch as the werewolves, including my grandpa and two uncles, shift into their monstrous teeth baring wolves.

That was when the door was threw open and scratched the outside of the closet I hid in. I let out a surprised gasp but made sure it was quiet enough.

The alpha walked in first, sniffing the air for my scent. His eyes wandered over to the closet and I held my breath. He inched towards it only to be stop by my alpha uncle, I silently thanked him.

After the first pounce the wolves on both sides attacked.

The longer I watched the quicker my legs fell asleep, and soon me with them.

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