Chapter 13- The Meeting

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Chapter 13
Enjoy the next chapter!

Chapter 13

   The bright light eliminated the dark office, giving a feeling of satisfaction. I watched my dad's reaction as we passed the threshold. His eye trained from Lucas to me, and he scratched his chin.
   In the middle of the room sat a black leather couch, John sat on it placing his hands behind his head, relaxing. He took the situation as a joke.

   Lucas stood next to the couch not wanting to be near Jhon. I decided to sit on a part of the couch, opposite of the side John's on. Before sitting down I could hear a toothy growl and two hands forcing me off the couch. Lucas. He roughly untwined our fingers as I stood there amazed at his anger.
  "Alright, what's the problem?" My father said scanning through some files on his desk, occasionally signing papers. I realized he notice me glaring at John because he asked for John's side of the story.
  "John may you please inform us on what happened?" My father said raising an eyebrow.
  "I will gladly your highness, I was minding my own business when your daughter's boyfriend brutally attacked me." He flaired his arms around putting emphasis on the word "attacked".
Then my father's eyes shifted to me. "Since I see your boyfriend is an a vampire animalistic state, I suggest you tell us your side of the story." He was right, Lucas's eyes were still black and his fangs poked his bottom lip.
I nodded my head and moved forward, only to be pulled back.       
   "Lucas let go so I can explain!" I demanded and I watched as his jaw clenched, he was ignoring me.

  "Aww your boyfriend can't control himself." John teased.

  B"SHUT UP" I growled and John silenced himself. "Now here's what really happened" I said turning back towards my dad. I filled him in on the fight and everything leading up to it. Once in awhile I looked back at Lucas who was suffocating my hand.

   At the end of the meeting my father made his decision. "Lucas and John as your punishment you both shall stay on dorm arrest for three days. And Beth..." While my father was giving out punishments, I studied the crested tile, avoiding everyone's gaze. "BETH" I snapped out of my observation state and faced my fathers piercing eyes. He wasn't particularly happy about me zoning out. "Beth you will have detention." My father sternly said.

    After we all agreed on our punishments, John headed out of the classroom first. While walking past, he elbowed me, pushing me to the floor. Lucas snapped, reaching for his hoodie and pulling him down. Before Lucas could punch him, I grabbed both of his hands and placed them around my waist. He understood to calm down, leaning his nose into my neck, breathing in my scent.
The weird part was my father watched the whole thing and the only reaction he had was a smirk.

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