Chapter 25

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Naomi's pov

We sat there for what seemed like hours, waiting for something to happen. I refused to leave until Selene was either dead or awake. I really hope for the latter. It grew quiet, the ticking of the clock being the only noise.

In an instant, Selene's eyes snapped open. She shot up, gasping for air while placing a hand over her chest. I grinned. Unable to contain my joy, I jumped on the girl, wrapping her in a hug.

"Selene!" I cried. "You're alive!"

Jack joined in hugging Selene. "I can't tell you how happy I am that you're okay."

Selene seemed surprised but soon hugged us back. "It's all thanks to you three. I heard your voices calling to me. You pulled me back from the other side. Thank you."

Jack and I pulled away from her. Jeff cleared his throat, earning all of our attention. He averted his gaze.

"Nice to have you back," he said to her.

She smiled. "I heard your voice as well, Jeff. Thank you for the encouragement."

He shrugged. "No problem. Listen, I don't know you all that well, but since you're Naomi's friend, I guess that makes you my friend too."

He held his fist out toward her. She stared down at his hand with confusion, glancing at her own hand to try and figure out what he was doing. I giggled and took Selene's hand, knowing she didn't know what a fist bump was.

"Like this," I instructed, forming her hand into a fist for her.

Selene smiled again and lightly pressed her knuckles against his. Jeff chuckled at her attempt but accepted it anyway. We stepped back to give her room to stand.

"Slender and the proxies are downstairs," Jack stated. "We should let them know you're okay."

I quickly grabbed the skull mask from the bedside table and held it out to her. "Here. We made sure to bring your things back too."

Selene smiled. "Thank you, Naomi, but I won't be needing my mask right now."

"You sure?" I questioned.

She nodded. "You're all trusted allies. I have no reason to hide my face anymore. I know that now."

I grinned and set the mask back on the table. Selene picked up her dagger and slipped it back onto her belt. She then stared down at the jewelry placed neatly on the table. She brushed her fingertips over a few of them.

"Thank you all so much for taking care of them," she quietly said. "My family is safe because of your efforts."

"It was nothing," I told her.

She carefully took each piece of jewelry and put it on. A ring, a bracelet, a necklace, an earring, and a tiara. You'd think she was some sort of rich snob with all that on her.

Jack quickly ushered us back downstairs where we saw Masky and Hoodie on the couch. They both jumped out of their seats upon seeing us.

"Selene, you're up!" Masky cried with astonishment.

"Should you really be up walking around?" Hoodie asked.

She giggled. "I assure you, I'm fine."

Slender suddenly appeared in front of us. "Selene, it's good to see you up and about. I'm glad to see you pulled through."

"It's all thanks to my friends," she said, glancing at each of us.

"Wow, you sure do look different without your mask," Masky stated.

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