Chapter 7

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Jeff's pov

Damn, that girl's becoming a pain in my ass. I thought once she was dead, that would be it. But now she's alive and able to heal? How is that even fair?!

I clutched my bleeding shoulder and rushed back to the mansion as quickly as I could. Good thing I'm a fast runner, I easily lost that girl back there.

Making it back home, I barged through the front door and passed through the foyer. I rushed into the living room where Jack, Masky, and Hoodie were. They all jumped out of their seats upon seeing me.

"Where's Slender?" I asked, looking around for the tall, faceless being.

In an instant, Slenderman was standing before me. "Jeff, what happened to you?"

My grip on my shoulder tightened and I noticed the others coming closer. "I was attacked."

Jack came to my side, pulling my hand from my shoulder and staring at my wound. "You? Attacked? That's unusual."

"Was it the police?" Masky asked.

I shook my head. "No, it was a girl I had killed days ago. She's... alive somehow, and she suddenly has the ability to heal."

"A girl?" Jack questioned. "Does she look like one of us?"

I shook my head and answered, "No, she looks exactly the same as when I killed her. Blue eyes, long, golden hair, she looks like an ordinary person."

I then looked up at Slender. "She said something about having a friend that gave her a second chance. That wasn't you, was it?"

Slender shook his head. "No, I've never come in contact with the girl you described."

"Hmm, so there's another powerful being out there?" Jack questioned. "One that gives life?"

I shrugged, wincing slightly at my shoulder. "Hell if I know. But now that bitch is after me, says she wants revenge."

"That's understandable," Hoodie quietly stated.

"I, for one, would very much like to find out about this girl and the "friend" she mentioned," Slender said.

"I just wanna find that bitch," I said darkly. "I'll make her pay. Next time, I'll chop her head off or slice her open. Maybe then she'll stay dead."

Slender sighed. "But then it would be extremely difficult to track down the one that saved her."

"I admit, I'm curious to see this thing myself," Jack chimed in.

The others nodded in agreement. I don't really care either way, I just want that girl to die. Only then will I be satisfied.

Naomi's pov

I groaned, still not finding any trace of that guy. Where could he be? Why is he so difficult to track down? Not even Bella and Edward can find him and they've been scouring the woods every day. Maybe I can get Selene out of her house and out here helping me.

I rode Latte back home only to see Selene standing outside with Fang and Saber. I didn't know what she was doing out here. Was she waiting for me?

"Selene, we need to search every inch of these woods if we're going to track down my killer."

"Naomi, have you forgotten what day it is?" I stared at her blankly. "It's Friday," she said. "You must retrieve the crystal at the museum tonight."

That's right, I hadn't even realized how quickly the time has flown by. I was so caught up in hunting that bastard down, I didn't even bother keeping up with the days.

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