Chapter 2

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I headed downstairs with Edward clinging to my shoulder. Entering the kitchen, I saw Austin already eating breakfast. I inwardly sighed and went over.

"Naomi..." Austin said, gazing up at me. "Listen, about yesterday... I'm sorry, I overreacted."

I was a bit surprised by his sudden apology, but I was glad he didn't make me say it first.

"I guess I'm sorry too," I replied, averting my gaze. "I stayed out too long."

"It's alright, I'm to blame here. I've gotta learn to treat you like an adult instead of like my baby sister."

I chuckled and took a seat. "You've got a point there. It would be nice to not have someone watching over me like a hawk."

Austin laughed a bit as well. "I guess I do take things too far. I'll try to be less... protective of you from now on."

"Good, because I am an independent young woman," I said while flicking my hair.

We both continued to talk and joke around as we ate. Once finished, I saw Austin off to work before sitting in my room with Bella and Edward. I grabbed my laptop and began working on my book some more.

??? pov

I gasped, my eyes snapping open. I see now. The spirits have shown me. That girl will be of great significance to me.

But something will happen soon. Very soon. A tragic event will bring us both to meet. But what of the cause of this event? The spirits are unable to tell me.

I will simply have to wait. Wait for my time to come forward. A small grin spread across my lips. I shall finally come closer to what I seek.

Naomi's pov

I groaned and rubbed my fingers against my temples. "Ugh, I can't think of a good idea for the next part."

Bella and Edward seemed to stare at me questioningly. I smiled and picked them both up in my arms.

"Come on, you two, let's get some fresh air."

I stood and carried them out and downstairs. Before I even got to the front door, it opened and Austin came in. I hadn't even realized he had gotten home.

"Hey, Naomi," he greeted with a smile.

"Austin, I didn't know you were home already."

"Already? It's nearly 6:30."

I quickly looked over at the nearest clock with surprise. I hadn't even noticed how late it had gotten. Time seems to fly when I'm writing.

"Guess I lost track of time," I mumbled.

Austin then looked down at the opossums in my arms. "Today's Friday, so you know what that means. Bath time for you two."

Bella and Edward both hissed and snuggled into my arms. They knew what a bath was and they hated it. Austin came over to take them from me, but they both clung to my shirt, refusing to let go.

We finally managed to pry them off me. Both opossums were hissing and fussing while Austin began carrying them away.

"I think I'll take a walk," I called to Austin, causing him to stop in his tracks and look back at me.

"This late?" he questioned.

I nodded. "I've got a bad case of writer's block and I really need to clear my head."

By the look on his face, I could tell he was trying hard not to make a big fuss. After a moment, he sighed in defeat.

"Alright, make sure you have your knife and just text me if anything happens."

Fates Intertwined (A Creepypasta Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें