47: 💗Accidentally🌟

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When he accidentally touches your breast


*smirks,giving you a wink* "How about letting Oppa feel the real thing?" *you hit him hard on the arm* "Ya ~ is it wrong for your boyfriend to say such a thing?!" *rubs the spot that you hit him in*


*don't know how to react* "I.......uhhh......"*bites his lips,eyes on your chest*


*he walks away cooly as if nothing happened,when he was in front of the door.he stops and looks back at you* "I think they grew a little." *smirk*


*smiles* "Wouldn't it be nice if they're my pillow? So soft...." *keeps thinking about it*


*blushes and apologizes immediately* "Its not that i don't like them- I actually do like them - wait...." *blushes more*

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