Satoshi the Little Bugger

Start from the beginning

Surprisingly enough, the garment failed to make you even lesser of a person than you already were. The fact that it could only be a shabby brown or indigo gave you a sense of uniformity and purpose that made you believe that you were a part of something bigger, something worthwhile.

With the optimism in mind, you spread your pink lips into a smile and straightened the hems pleating below the rope belt.

"(Y/N)," the heir piped as he ascended the stone steps to approach you. "We are ready to go. You will ride with me along with some of the bodyguards. You don't need to do anything else, do you?"

You shook your head and adjusted the white band to prevent it from sliding down on to your nose. "I'm supposed to be the one asking you, Lord Hanzo. But yes, I am ready to go."

"Good," he replied. "The fair awaits."

With Hanzo walking upfront, the two of you made your way to the black sedans when out of nowhere, Sojiro came into view, accompanied by a young gentleman dressed for the occasion. His gentle, almost childlike smile caught your gaze, and it sparked a forgotten flame back to life. It had been so long, but no amount of time could ever make you forget about that wonderful smile.

"Satoshi?" you found yourself saying, the spell of his infectious grin taking a hold of your features.

"Oh my." The young man's eyes widened in return. "(Y/N)? Is that really you?"

Giving a quick giggle, you momentarily forgot all about your master and skipped towards the visitor to envelop him into a bone crushing embrace.

"Oh Satoshi, it's been a long time!"

He let off a laugh of his own and returned the favor with an even tighter hug. "Last time I saw you, you were still a really tiny kid who got dirt all over her face and clothes. But now-" he paused, pulling away. "-I don't even recognize you."

Feeling self conscious, you tore your happy gaze away from him and tucked a loose lock of hair behind your ear. "I hope that's not a bad thing."

"Don't worry." He laughed at your worrying. "You're beautiful."

From a good meter away, Hanzo watched the whole scene like a hawk on the hunt. The festival he so looked forward to even failed to lift the spirits crushed by envy and confusion.

"(Y/N)," he said brusquely, the authoritative air radiating off of him. "Come, don't delay us."

"I'm sorry!" you exclaimed, folding your hands together as you hurried to your scowling master. You realized that you were treading on dangerous waters. "I meant no such inconvenience."

"I think Satoshi should tag along with you and (Y/N)," Sojiro said out of the blue, coming in with the light of brilliance on his face. "I'm sure it will be more enjoyable for your cousin if someone could show him around."

"Why not let one of the valets do it?"

"Would you want some stranger to share a memorable experience meant to be with your family?" Sojiro countered, shooting Hanzo a smug grin mixed with a look of certain victory. "Now, no buts. (Y/N) will show him around--and it helps that you all were once childhood friends."

"Yes, Shimada-sama."

"Yes, father."

"Great." Satoshi beamed, unable to contain his bubbling excitement. "I'm certain I'll have a lot of fun here in Hanamura."

Hanzo forced a smile back and tried to talk without gritting his teeth together.

"Oh trust me, cousin," he said. "It's going to be great."


The town fair bustled with life, and everywhere you looked, there was always something that caught your attention, and the atmosphere proved to be a delight to the senses.

There were different food stands and quaint little shops that sold delicacies and all sorts of trinkets and merchandise--merchandise that were as colored and bright as the people who bought them; a lively reminder of the spirit of the festival.

Then you laid your eyes on the flowers; arranged with skill in woven baskets, ceramic pots, or the like. Rows and rows of them were grandly displayed for the exhibit, free for any smitten passers-by to glance and oggle at. Most of the participants were either experienced gardeners or florists, and yet, there were some who flew past people's expectations and delivered marvellous contenders despite their varying professions in life.
You sighed. You could stay here and jaunt the paved, petalled grounds all day if given the chance and luxury. The people weren't even a bother to you despite the influx of them by the masses, flowing in like rivers to be riled up in the beauty of their culture. Satoshi walked close by, skating his gaze here and there, as though trying to make out what could have placed you in such a tranquil mood. Sure the plants were pretty and all, but if there was one thing you should be hyped about, it would have to be the food.

"(Y/N)," he said, his placid voice tearing your focus from a bouquet of exotic white lilies.

You turned to him, dazed, and blinked. "Yes, Satoshi?"

"There's a takoyaki stand nearby, wanna get some? I'll pay." The lad chuckled, jerking his chin towards a nearby red stand where a short queue had gathered, surrounded by the thick steam that rolled out with the appetizing smell of charred flour balls and grilled vegetables. Your mouth watered at the sight.

Now that you thought about it, maybe having two or three servings sounded like a good idea. You haven't had much to eat since your breakfast with the other servants--and that was at six, right before you reported to your master's quarters in dead silence. To your embarrassment, your stomach let off a low growl, almost like a gurgle, as it looked forward at the prospect of having a little bit of food before lunch. You smiled sheepishly up at your companion, laughing at the sound you make and at your attempt to silence it.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said, fishing a little coin purse from his grey kimono. "I think we have a little bit of time." Satoshi winked, referring to the clan leader who was taking his time cherishing the different scents of some of the participants' flowers.

You smiled. "Thanks, Satoshi. Come on, let's go before the line gets too long."

You both headed over to join the line with a hop in your step, leaving Hanzo to stand there dejected, forgotten like a trivial speck of dirt. He watched you two with tawny eyes as you laughed and chatted in each other's company.

Straightening his spine, the heir walked over to you and effectively caught your attention as he came up and cast a long shadow that dimmed you space.

"Lord Hanzo," you piped, sparing a second to bow. "Do you need anything?"

"If my father comes looking, I'll be in that little shop over there, and I'll be staying for ten minutes," he answered without so much as a bat of an eyelid.

"Getting some sake now, are we cousin?" Satoshi remarked, a playful smile stretching his soft features. "Don't get drunk now."

"I'm not going to get drunk, Satoshi," Hanzo shot back, voice as sharp as the steely side of a katana. "I'm going for a drink. Now if you'll excuse me, I must be on my way."

You felt a cold air coming down upon you from your superior. Somehow it made him look taller than he already was, and even more unapproachable. You decided against stopping him in his tracks to ask him what was wrong, and so you slumped back instead, only snapping back to reality when Satoshi handed you a warm paper cup filled with three takoyaki balls smothered in a special rich dressing that you knew all too well.

"Here you go, (Y/N)," he said as he bit into one and chewed. "Eat up."

Gazing down at your serving, your brows arched as you swirled and played with the spherical food, mesmerized by the negative thoughts that played with your head. Suddenly, you weren't so hungry anymore, and you sighed in defeat as you popped one into your mouth anyway, tasting the tingling spices and flavor for a little while, but a bitter aftertaste lingered soon, haunting you to your core.

Edgy Hanzo is edgy.  XD

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