Bunny Man

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This urban legend takes place in Fairfax Country Virginia .In 1904,a mental asylum prison was shut down in order to move their prisoners somewhere else but unexpectedly the transport vehicle crashes,killing the driver and allowing 10 inmates to escape.The police spend hours,searching and found all escapees expect one.While searching for the last man,police would find the skinless carcasses of rabbit near what's known as The Bunny Man Bridge.It was revealed that the man who managed to escape had killed his entire family on Easter Sunday and that was the reason why he was held at the mental asylum.

Police had finally spotted the man and while in pursuit,it's believed that he was hit by a train.Strange sightings of a man with an axe  underneath the bridge was reported in 1970s.The urban legend has hit the locals so hard that they still refer to this creepy place as a Bunny Man Bridge.Many report sightings,especially in Halloween time.

People say that if you will walk under the Bunny Man Bridge in midnight,the bunny man will grab you and hang you from the bridge.

Real Incident-1The first incident was reported the evening of October 19, 1970 by Cadet Robert Bennett and his fiance, who were visiting relatives on Guinea Road in Burke.A man and his fiance stopped the car to talk after a football match at the middle of a forest.Suddenly,a man came there and smashed the window with a hatchet.The hatchet was found near the car.So they called the police and told everything.The man reported that he saw the person in white suit with long bunny ears.

2)The second reported sighting occurred on the evening of October 29, 1970, when construction security guard Paul Phillips approached a man standing on the porch of an unfinished home, in Kings Park West on Guinea Road. Phillips said the man was wearing a gray, black, and white bunny costume, and was about 20 years old, 5 feet 8 inches (1.73 m) tall, and weighed about 175 pounds (79 kg). The man began chopping at a porch post with a long-handled axe, saying: "All you people trespass around here. If you don't get out of here, I'm going to bust you on the head.

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