Back At It Again

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You know that moment when you see your ex for the first time after an ugly break up? First you're probably thinking "what the heck are they doing here." But then a huge rush of feelings comes back to you. The impressions, first this and that, and then the hurt, the anger, and the last this and that. And you're left at a crossroads. They are only feet away from you. This could change everything. What if you talked and became friends and maybe even got back together? Or what if  you don't say anything and you lose that person forever. I don't know what you would do here, but I'm going with the first option. So here we are. Writing this story that I have such a love hate relationship with. If you did not understand that long unnecessary analogy, the ex is this fan fiction that you have, for some unknown reason decided to read, and I am going to attempt completing it. If you have just now read this story and are confused, the last time I updated it was July 23, 2016, and now here we are back at it again on the 23rd of June 2017. I really don't have an excuse so I'm not going to try making one up. Please enjoy this next chapter of "Seeing Through New Eyes."

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