The Hogwarts Express

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Harry had just boarded the The Hogwarts Express for the last time. He sighed as he sat down in their usual compartment at the back of the train. Remembering his first year when he met Ron and Hermione, when he drove a flying car to school, when a dementor had tried to suck his soul and Lupin had saved him, when he chatted with Hermione and Ron about what they thought was going to happen at Hogwarts that year, when Sirius was killed by Bellatrix, when Malfoy had broken his nose for spying, when he was hiding in the forest, thinking of his friends at school, the Battle of Hogwarts, when Voldemort was killed, Harry smiled. A sad Smile, wishing he had more time at the school he'd called home for the past 7 years.

"Harry, I've just realized something; this will be your first year at Hogwarts without having to worry about Voldemort," Hermione said, smiling. Harry hadn't considered this. Maybe he could make some more memories this year. Good ones. "You mean I won't find myself in a situation where I could be killed? Well that sucks!" Harry said and laughed. Hermione hit him playfully and joined in the laughter.

"Are you alright, Ron?" Hermione asked, realizing he was just staring out the window. He turned to her, wearing an expression with so many emotions she had no idea what he was thinking. "It's our last year, even if we don't have to worry about our deaths. I'm just not ready to move on from the war. So many people we loved are gone." Hermione and Harry didn't know what to say. Ron usually kept his feelings hidden, where no one could see them.

"Ron" said Hermione, trying to sound comforting. "I'm sorry. Really. I forget how hard this is for you and your family. But I need you to remember that the world is better now. Hogwarts is safe. We are safe." Hermione scooted closer to Ron and squeezed his hand reassuringly. He looked up and gave her a weak smile. "You're right." He said.

An hour later the dessert trolley came by, and as usual, Harry bought it all. They each end opened a chocolate frog and looked at their cards. Harry looked down at his and saw Dumbledore's blue eyes twinkling back at him. "Guess who I got?" Asked Ron, and he turned it around so they could see.

Born July 31, 1980, Harry Potter is the only person to have
ever survived the killing curse. He came face to face with Voldemort
Numerous times and played a huge part in the killing of him.
His friends, Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley also
helped, and if it weren't for them, who knows where
We'd be today.

Harry's eyes met with his own on the card before he disappeared. "You didn't tell me you had your own card!" Ron exclaimed. "I didn't know either." said Harry. "And they mentioned us too!" Hermione beamed. "How could they not? You two play the biggest part in my life!" Harry smiled at his friends.

After stuffing themselves with candy and changing into their Hogwarts robes, Harry saw the castle in the distance. He sighed and looked at his friends, who were both looking out the window. "Wonder why Malfoy didn't pop in and insult us as usual?" Harry wondered aloud. "Maybe he's too embarrassed about his father being revealed as a death eater." Ron laughed. Hermione rolled her eyes and said, "We're not the only ones who lost people. His father was sent to Azkaban, and his mother seemed distant when we saw her at the train." Hermione said uncomfortably.

Ron looked up at Hermione in shock."Are you saying it's not his fault, Hemione? He tried to kill us!" Hermione suddenly became very interested in her hands. "I'm just saying that he was born into it, is all." Now it was Harry who questioned Hermione. "He is mature enough to know the difference between right and wrong."

Hermione nodded and pushed the sorry feelings for Malfoy away.

A few minutes later they were getting their trunks and heading to the thestrals.

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