chapter sixteen - toy store and paparazzi

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"Of course."


"See anything you like, pretty girl?" Lauren asked, following the child as she looked around, Normani close behind, occasionally updating her Instagram story to show what they were doing.

Willa looked around, LoBear in her arms as she tried to figure out what would be the best thing to buy.

"How about a stuffie?" Normani suggested.

"I have LoBear. I don't want her to get jealous," Willa explained, patting her bear's head as she glanced around. A section of the store caught her eye, the sign above it reading "nursery."

She moved towards it, walking into the room and smiling when she saw baby bassinets full of baby dolls.

She went and looked into all of them, bouncing happily when she found the one she liked.

"Mama, can you hold LoBear please?" She asked, giving the bear to her mother before running back to the bassinet and lifting the doll out.

Lauren smiled when she saw the doll, knowing her daughter liked it because it was like a mini her with the darker skin and grey eyes.

Lauren smiled when she saw the doll, knowing her daughter liked it because it was like a mini her with the darker skin and grey eyes

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"That's a beautiful doll, WillaBee," Normani piped up.

"Can I get her, please?" Willa asked, her voice quiet. She still struggled asking for certain things but she was getting better.

"Of course, my love. Why don't you pick out another outfit for her as well?" Lauren offered, pointing to the different options of baby doll pajamas.

"It's okay," Willa said, not sure if it was okay to get more.

"Are you sure, honey? Your baby needs something to wear to bed at night."

Willla couldn't argue that logic, heading over to find a little outfit for her doll.

Once she was content with two new outfits (and a stroller and mini crib that Normani insisted on buying for the child), the three headed for the checkout, Lauren holding Willa on her hip with the doll and the clothes while Normani took the things she was going to buy.

"Hello. Did you find everything okay today?" The woman at the till asked, accepting the items Willa handed over before the child tucked closer into Lauren's hair to hide.

"Yeah, thanks," Lauren smiled, lightly tickling Willa's tummy to get her to giggle.

"Well, this is a lovely doll," the woman complimented, scanning the bar code on one of the clothing items.

"Looks like me," Willa whispered into Lauren's ear, hoping her mother would return the message.

"She said it looks like her," Lauren explained, earning a laugh from both the woman and Normani.

"I can see the resemblance. You're both very beautiful."

"What do you say, WillaBee?" Normani prompted, stroking a hand over the toque covered head.

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