Chapter 44 - Busted

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"How you getting home?" Brynn asks

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"How you getting home?" Brynn asks. It was getting quite late but we made good progress. Three more backdrops were complete.

I shrug. "Public transport. Mom's got a PTA meeting and Dad's been working late so I'm on my own, I guess."

"I have Gran's car. I can give you lift. She worries about me riding the buses late at night," Brynn tells me, as she cleans up the paints and brushes we were using.

"Hmmm... Let me see... ride on a bus that will take me twice as long to get home with a bunch of strangers or go home with my girlfriend and have the possibility of a good night kiss at the end of the ride. Yeah, something tells me this is a no-brainer. Although, I have heard Gus, the bus driver, is a good kisser."

Brynn laughs. "And how did you come upon this information?"

"What? About Gus? It's just a rumor really. I believe he started it about himself in the hopes of getting some action but I doubt it's really worked. Not sure. I'll have to ask him next time I see him."

Brynn shakes her head at my silliness and her smile holds me captive. I really need to get a grip if I'm planning on spending even more time with her. I'm turning into a blubbering simpleton whenever, I'm around her. My brain wants to revert back to a caveman, hit her over the head and drag her off with me. Thankfully, I'm more civilized, although... the idea holds potential.

"Finn? Ready to go?" she asks.

I flush slightly from my thoughts and she giggles, which makes me wonder if she can read minds. I really hope she can't.

"I just need to grab my bag. I left it back stage."

"Okay, I'll meet you by the side doors."

"Be right there," I say and hobble to collect my things. I look at all the work we did today. It was kinda fun working with Brynn and making art. I make one more stop and head out the doors.

"So," she says, giving me a side-glance, "how did you learn to paint so well?"

She starts the car and heads towards my house. "Only child... educated Mom... I got activitied to death. Is that a word... activitied?"

Brynn laughs. "It is now. Camp, sports and things like that I can understand but art?"

"Those other suggestions were Dad's. Mom made sure I had art lessons, took me to the theatre and not the movie kind. I even had dance lessons."

"Dance lessons?"

I laugh. I knew that would get her attention. "Yes."

She presses her lips together like she's considering something. "Hmm, a guy who can dance. You know if you could cook that would pretty much make you perfect."

"I can make spaghetti. Oh! And scrambled eggs WITH toast."

"Buttered toast?" she asks, with a giggle.

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