5 months later

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holy fuck guys guess what? its almost been two years. in the story i mean. for me rn its summer. yay.  i'm on house arrest. ugh shoot me. already enough whining.

sanjis pov

Its been 5 months, since i had Lilly. Zeff sent his men searching for another wom-wom fruit. luckily there's been no word from them. and i believe my crew should arrive soon. Kuria and Rhoro are 1 year and 8 months old now. Kurias first words were "mama hurt?". shed seen me beaten when Zeff got pissed his men wouldn't get back in time. shes too young to remember so ill tell her i cut myself cooking when shes older. Rhoros  first words were actually "Fucking jackass" so i may have to cut down on the cussing round him.

i hope Lilly first words are "daddy" or "dada"

god i hope Zoro will love me still.

"SANJI!!!" Zeff screamed from up stairs.

i sighed and kissed my babys sleeping heads.

it was late and the moon was shining bright. i looked around for Zeff but saw nothing. i suddenly heard laughing from the rooms below me. familiar laughing. i was gonna call out but a hand grabbed my face and pulled me into the bushes of the merry.


3rd person pov

the crew had arrived at the ship somehow round the same time, round noon that day. only robin and Franky hadn't made it. not knowing about Franky and Robin's secret room, the crew had serched the decks high and low and could only assume Sanji had escaped whatever trouble he was in.

and sanji being below deck asleep from his many painful wounds, didnt even know his beloved was worried sick.

Zeffs crew had ran the moment their informants had heard that the straw-hat pirates were in town and Zeff ordered his men to hid their ship, waiting till the music of the crew celebrating their reunion overpowered that of his booming voice before calling Sanji for one last time.


Sanjis pov

Zeff punched me in the stomach and laughed. "you got lucky this time"

He grabbed me by my now long hair and threw me. i hit a wall and he kicked me once more in the stomach. i went to stand and scream but shut my mouth. this was the last beating. i should take it. with my head high. not crying to my friends for help.

and take it i did. he beat the ever loving shit out of me. he hit me left he hit me right i saw stars everywhere. he kicked and he slapped and he threw and each time i stood back up again.

i saw an eye pop up on the wall next to me. Robin was near.


Robins pov

me and Franky were still on the boat headed to the marry. i decided to check on Sanji. i started in the kitchen, but saw movement outside. i saw a young woman in a raggy dress being thrown everywhere. every time you thought she was down she stood back up. she was breathing hard and blood poured but she kept standing. she started laughing. who the hell....fuck...Sanji!

more next time kiddies!

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