just get it over with

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Hey guys. I'm back again! I'm surprised this isn't that bad...but let's keep going.

Sanji's pov.

I woke up in tied down to a bed.
Oh no.

"Hello?" I croaked.

"Your finally awake." Zeff appeared above me. "Eat this!"

He shoved a pear like fruit into my month. He knocked a piece into my month and moved it.

"Your gonna have to eat it." He was right. I was turning red. Tears leaking down my eyes, I thought about just dying. Instead I let it go through my throat.


"AHHHHHHHHH!" I felt my bones change. My pevis moved. My dick shot up into a pussy. I felt my hips go forward a bit.

While I didn't look too different on the outside, I'd just painfully changed sex.

Huff huff

I layed there.

"Good your ready."

He crawled on top of me.

I looked up at him and set my jaw.

I sighed and let my head fall to my side.

Just get it over with.

Sanji's Secret-two years of hell.Where stories live. Discover now