Chapter One

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I wake up with a massive headache. Great, now I get to ride the big yellow bus that I love so much. Hopefully you can sense my sarcasm. Being sixteen, almost seventeen, and not having a car was a tragic flaw in high school life. I glanced over at my clock and groaned. I had overslept again, and now only had forty minutes to get ready.

After taking a super quick shower I throw my wavy brown hair into a bun, apply a small amount of eye liner in an attempt to make my blue eyes bigger, and throw on my black and white t-shirt, jeans and black vans.

"Bye mom." I kiss her on the cheek and head out the front door.

"Skylar," I glance over my shoulder to see a breakfast bar  being tossed my way.

"Thanks mom" I catch it with great ease and run up to the bus stop just before the bus passes.

I take my usual seat in the back of the front and wait. In the next few stops my best friend comes on. That's pretty much the only perk of riding this stink bomb.

Jade Smith plops down next to me and takes out her journal so we can begin our regular morning routine.

"You first" she takes a piece of her black hair and tucks it behind her ear. The rest is in a pony tail.

She hands me her iPod and head phones and I stick then in without looking and close my eyes. Everyday she has me listen to a song with my eyes closed and picture a scene that goes with it. Then afterwards I tell her what I pictured and she takes notes or something.

Jade is really big into psychology and wants to become a doctor or something big like that one day. She has the mind set to do it to, she and her mom are some of the most intelligent people I know. She was ranked number 2 in freshman year and has now held her title as number 1 for sophomore and junior year. Her mom is a doctor in psychology, so I guess that's where she gets it from.

The song she chose today is one I had never heard before and is really sad. I can't help but picture my dad, or what I knew of him. When I was four he left our family. He was a drug addict and an alcoholic. Despite those things it still hurt that he never called and I haven't talked or seen him for over 11 years. Sometimes I imagine what it would be like if I ran into him or saw him. I picture what I would say and how I would feel, and hard as I try I just can't. I don't know if I would be upset. I don't know if I would be happy to see him. I have absolutely no clue as to what I would say to him.

So I try making up a scenario in my head. This is what I came up with.

I am at home sleeping and I hear a knock on my door. Half asleep I say come on thinking it's either my mom or one of my two brothers. He comes in and sits on my bed and I sit up. I open my mouth to say something but no words come out. he takes a piece of my hair and moves it clear of my face and mumbles something about my mother. Anger boils inside of me and I have a sudden urge to slap him for leaving her and us behind.

I try as hard as I can to scream and run or just plain talk but I can't. I'm frozen and there's nothing I can do about it. Then the song ends.

I don't tell people about my father, because I don't enjoy being pittied. It makes me feel weak and useless. The only reason Jade knows is because she opened up to me about her life and it turns out we had many similarities. That's how we became best friends.

I describe my scenario to her and she jots down her notes like she always does, when we pull into the prison we call school.

"So you'll do me when you ride the bus home, right?" She runs her hand up and down her mixed arms, like she always does when she's cold.

We make our way up to my locker and I struggle to get my huge gym bag into it. "I can't I have soccer practice today, remember?"

I kick the locker door as hard as I can and it finally shuts making a loud bang causing everyone to quiet down and stare at us.

"Was that really necessary?" She whispers, annoyed.

"Yes, it was completely necessary, otherwise my bag wouldn't have gone in and the world would have exploded because I would have gotten so angry they would have called the S.W.A.T. team and they would call the bomb squad and accidentally set the world on..."

She laughs "Okay, okay I get it," she's still laughing when her eyes dart forward. "Skylar, don't look now but he's coming"

Being my natural old self I turn around to see what she's telling me not to look at, and my body turns rigid. It's Jace and his idiotic soccer friends, Blake and Luke.

Jade grabs my arm to pull me away, but not before Jace catches me staring and smirks. Wait was I staring at him?

"What was that? Why we're you looking at him like that? We don't need another episode." She asks, basically reading my mind.

"Why did you pull me away?" I ask, dodging her question.

"You looked like you were about to murder him!"



"Blake, hun. You looked as if you were going to rip him to shreds."

Realization floods in. Last year Blake had cheated big time on our other best friend, Nala. (NAH~LAH) They had dated for over a year, and things were getting pretty serious until she snuck out to a party with him, only to find out he ditched her and slept with some other girl. We still haven't figured out who it was with.

Long story short, when I found what he did, I went ape shit  on him, cussing him out in the courtyards (the ones behind the school) and the topped it off by smacking him across the face.

I don't think he'll ever hurt anyone like that again. It really only angered me because it reminded me of Cole, my real dad. And even though she's moved on and doesn't seem to give a crap anymore, I'm scarred. I don't want that to happen to me. It's already happened to two people I love and I don't want it to happen again.

What worries me even more is that all of my attention was on Jace. I didn't give Blake a second glance. I shake my head as if I'm trying to get rid of the image of him but for some reason I can't.

Snap out of  it. He's a player and you know it.

Feeling satisfied with my thoughts, I say "I think I can control myself for now."

She laughs "Good, let's meet up with Nala and Demi after second period."

And with that, the bell rang and we were off to first period.

(A/N- Hey guys this is the first book I have posted somewhere. I hope you like it and I will update often. I like it when people comment so yah you should do that. Vote if you think it deserves a vote! Thanks for the support!   ~Trinity :D )

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