Twelve: Unknown

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She didn't know when she'd fallen asleep in her bed, but the next time she opened her eyes, she was wearing clothes and the heavy duvet covered her body. Disoriented, she blinked heavily before she abruptly sat up and snapped her eyes to the large windows by the wall. It was dark and the moon was shining brightly.

Her heart started to hammer. This wasn't a nightmare. She was really held here against her will. She really was taken to the Night Pack and her mate was none other than Alpha Rushika.

Who was a vampire.

She looked down at her wrists and it was completely healed. She didn't know if her body healed it or he did it the last time he came. Whatever it was, he left no evidence of her suicide attempt.

Aletha closed her eyes for a moment, just letting the night soothe her. When she had nightmares of her past, she would take deep breaths and just hear what the night had to offer. Usually it calmed her down, but now it didn't. She wasn't in the Shadow Pack anymore. She was not home anymore. That warm, reassuring feeling that she would always be safe was not here anymore. She felt like her life was in danger every moment of the day. She felt eyes watching her, and she felt his presence around this room. Even in her sleep, she could smell the ocean. It was unbearable.

Her body began to shake and it was getting harder to breathe again. Before she knew what was happening, she heard the door open and a female enter. The lamps around her room flickered on, and she could see the full view of the female.

Aletha had seen her before. She'd been in the room with the doctor before Rush beckoned them to leave.

She was beautiful. Looking at her made her stop breathing, because she looked otherworldly and almost dangerous. With black hair the same shade as Rush's, and eyes to match with the night, she had a lethal beauty. A cruel aura. A terrifying glint to her eyes that reminded her of Rush. "I believe we haven't been introduced," she said in a cold voice. She came toward her, looking far too graceful than even the aristocratic females of the Shadow Pack. She carried power in the way she walked. "I am Kyla, the Beta of the Night Pack. I am also the Alpha's sister."

"Sister?" she breathed, taken aback. She felt something prick at her skin when Kyla took her hand.

"Yes, I am his sister," Kyla said, her face twisting in a cruel snarl. She didn't like Aletha. "And you must be his mate."

Aletha knew she had to be cautious when she spoke to her. A slip in the way she spoke and she suspected her safety would be compromised. "I am," Aletha agreed. "But I don't like being held here against my will."

"Against your will? Why, would you like to go back to Lucien?" Kyla asked, yanking her up. "You want to be fucked by Lucien? You want him to put his mouth on your neck and mark you over and over again? You want to be his pathetic little Luna forever, don't you? Well, darling, I have news for you. There's no going back." She let go of Aletha, sensing her fear, and she smiled icily. "Now, dear sister, the Alpha requests your presence for dinner. He asked me to dress you up and kindly bring you to him, because you'd obviously freak if he came and did it himself. Are we going to have a problem?"

Aletha was terrified of this female. Terrified and indignant. "You don't know anything about me," she hissed.

"I know enough to know you're an ignorant bitch," Kyla finished. "My brother has never shown so much kindness and patience toward anyone in this pack. You think you have it all rough? You're far from wrong. So suck it up and lets go."

Aletha didn't say anything after that. She let Kyla wash her in the bathroom before she dressed her up in a light blue gown. She teased her hair and gave her slippers to wear.

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