"Hyung!  Hurry!  I'm starving," whined Jungkook, coming over and grabbing Jimin's hands, trying to drag him up off the sofa.  "I want to eat!  Manager-nim is taking us to this awesome steak place.  Hurry, hurry!" 

Jimin stood up slowly, staggering a tiny bit.  He regained his footing quickly, hoping Jungkook didn't notice.  The boy wasn't looking so it would appear he didn't.  Jimin groaned and stretched, yawning deeply. "I think I'm going to take a rain check, Kookie.  I'm exhausted." 

Jungkook glanced over at Taehyung who motioned for him to insist on Jimin coming.  He looked back at his friend, having not missed Jimin's little teeter when he stood up.  "C'mon, hyung, I don't want to go without you.  If you don't go, I won't go."

Jimin shrugged and walked towards the second changing space.  "I guess we're both having an early bedtime then!"  He laughed and shut the door to the changing room, leaving a bewildered Jungkook standing in the middle of the room. 

"Fine!  I take it back.  I'm going," said Jungkook loudly but finishing in a mumble.  He looked over at Taehyung and shrugged as if to say, "I tried!"

Taehyung frowned.  He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent Nari a message. 

"I hope you're still getting on that flight."

He waited for a response and thankfully he didn't have to wait long.

"I'm heading to the airport in just a few hours.  How's Jimin?  Does he seem open to talking to me at least?  I'm struggling here, Taehyung." 

"He'll talk to you, if I have to force him to.  Can you meet him at a restaurant tomorrow for lunch or something?"

"I guess so?  Does he talk better over food or something?"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows and then frowned as he glanced back at Jimin, who was now walking out of the changing room.  He didn't necessarily talk more over food, but if Nari ate, he might eat something as well just because. 

"Yes.  I'll make arrangements and text you the place to go.  Just trust me and make sure you eat well!  ~(‾‾)~ "

He slipped his phone into his pocket and picked up a bag of snacks off the food table, opening the bag and eating a few as he walked over to his dearest friend in the world.  He hated the fact Jimin had a poor image of himself in his head.  He was an attractive man, slim and muscular.  Taehyung couldn't see one flaw in his form at all.  He had no idea how Jimin could see something no one else could see.  "Hey, Jiminie, want some?"  He waved the back of tasty snacks under Jimin's nose. 

"Ugh, Tae, really?  What am I, a dog?"  Jimin chuckled and lightly shoved the bag away.  "I'm not hungry."  Just then his stomach growled loudly and he quickly turned away feeling betrayed by his own body.

"Your stomach says you're hungry." Taehyung smirked smugly and pushed the bag back under Jimin's nose. "Have a few.  Then let's go eat with the guys.  Hm?  Okay?" 

Jimin shook his head.  "I'm going to the workout room at the hotel.  I'll tell you what, bring me some back to the hotel, okay?  I'll eat after I workout." He smiled brightly and grabbed his bag, making his way out to the waiting vans.

Taehyung frowned and angrily shoved the snack bag into a trash can.  He knew full well that Jimin would be working out for another couple of hours, despite the intense workout every member of BTS just got during their concert.  His jaw muscles flexed as he played out what would happen if he brought Jimin food home.  He would likely say he can't eat after working out because it would upset his stomach.  He would reject the food.  Leave it on the table, wash up and go to bed, still having not eaten a thing.  Jimin was dealing with too many things all on his own.  Nari, his body image, everything.  Taehyung stood with his hands on his hips and got angrier as the seconds passed.  Fine, if that's the way he wanted to be then so be it. 

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