We all know this already twat, ask her to be yours. My heart wars with my mind and  my mouth goes on autopilot - sprouting another retort to her inane statements.

"That might be a stretch of the truth." I say turning my head toward hers, needing to deflate her big head a little. "You wound me." She says eyes twinkling hand on her heart. Drama queen.

"You're just jealous Edward'll jump my bones." She says sitting up smirking. "As if. I'm not worried about Edward you're more into Jacob. I worry for his life." I say smiling. She rolls her eyes getting off the bed and grumbling about her morning coffee.

Rain loved her morning cup of coffee, I suspected more than assassinating people. I honestly felt that a good expresso was healthy for overly stressed people such as myself and ever since introducing Rain to the crema(an expresso layered under thick caramel colored oils), she'd fallen in love and now favors that instead of her traditional latte. There's a lot you can tell about someone by their coffee.

"Cain! I want coffee!" She whines and it's my turn to roll my eyes. "Stop being such a lazy ass and make your own damn coffee." I say getting off of the bed and following her to the kitchen. Obviously, since I first made it and she is too lazy to do it herself(despite me teaching her) - I had to create her crema.

She pouts at me, "Please." I look away from her mesmerising eyes and open the cupboard for the bread. "Nope, not falling for that puppy face again. Do it yourself kitten." I say grabbing the milk by the fridge and drinking it straight from the carton.

Her cute face wrinkles in disgust. "Erg! Gross! You're just like my brother." She blurts out before her eyes widen. "I'm sorry."

I frown in confusion. "Why?" I thought she loved her brother but she denied Jason being her brother. "My brother is an asshole." She mutters and I twitch in curiosity.

I actually agreed with her. Her brother was a self-righteous prick who thought him better than the rest of us just because he wasn't connected in anything openly illegal. No wonder the asshole went Rouge. Jason Chase worked with some big names and was declared the American fixer a few years ago - must suck for him knowing that his very sister is one of the people he swore to bring down. Raina was known by many of her deeds: thief, assassin, con-artist, felon - but yeah, you get the point. Worst of all is that she was one of the brightest students in Lakewood High, back when I was still a student. I never paid her much attention then, beside her being Jason Chase's younger sister. I was such a shit head - still am to be honest. I never pay attention to anyone I deemed unworthy of my time - always too busy for trivialities, such as starting needless conversation.

"What happened?" I ask curiously. She sighs tiredly, "He left me at my parents graves after they were just buried. I thought he was coming back, he never did." She shrugs trying to hide her sadness. "Haven't seen him in 2 years."

I always knew her brother was a prick at heart. Even back in high school, I couldn't stand the sight of his boastful self-aggrandizement... but he always seemed to be proud of his younger sibling.

I look at her and had the feeling she had just shared a big secret with me. A secret for a secret.

"Well if it makes you feel better my mother hates me." I say mirroring her shrug.

Her eyes widen, "How could your mother hate you?" She says confused. "I mean you're you!" She exclaims her eyes big and I chuckle humorlessly, "I'm also a mafia boss that killed his sister."

I was fifteen when Ara died. I was supposed to ensure a hit took place and Ara, my beautifully wild sister, jumped in and saved my ass... dying at the young age of twenty. She was caught in the crossfire - a guy on the other team aimed at me and Ara saw, jumping in front of me - effectively stopping myself from becoming cannon fodder and fatally injuring herself.
Arabella died in my arms.

My mother blamed me and the Mafia for what happened to her babygirl and put a strain on my parents' marriage. At least they had someone to yell at... I had no one to cast blame on. Thus the entire ordeal ended up with my mother loathing my very existence and my father resenting me and treating me with nothing but cold indifference.

Raina looks at me in sadness and I'm confused. I expected hatred or fear not sadness.

"I'm not gonna make assumptions when I don't know the full story." She states. "I'll judge you by how I know you and you've been nothing but good to me." She explains hugging me in the process.

She takes me by surprise with the hug, "What's this for?" I ask her chuckling softly. "You look like you need it." She says into my chest and I hug her back. What she doesn't add is that she obviously needs a hug more than I do.

"Cain?" Raina asks me almost shyly. Shocked by Raina's shyness I look at her intently. "What are we exactly?" "I don't know." I answer her honestly. "We're not exactly the ideal friends are we?" I say and she bursts out laughing and I join her.

"So what are we gonna do while we wait for tonight's events?" Raina asks me reluctantly letting me go. "No we're definitely not gonna get your team." I say sarcastically and her face drops slightly into a pout. "Don't tease me."

My mouth tugs into a soft smile. "You're obviously gonna meet them. They would love to see who they're working with." I laugh thinking how excited everyone will be to meet the NightMare.

Raina looks at me confused. "You didn't tell them?" I smirk. "Nope. I never told you either." She huffs. "Come on Romero we've got a ball to get ready for."
"And a team to meet," I pipe in and she tugs me with a faint grin on her face. "Yes, we'll do that later."


Sup guys

I think you guys deserve a chapter in Cain's POV and I've been waiting for this so... yay! At the rate this story is going its gonna turn into a romance lol. Is it weird that I'm shipping Caina?

High key freaking out over here!! >squeallll < Sorry. I should probably stop fangirling.

Hehe. I'm just full of cliches today. A hateful mother and dead sister. Wow a record lmao.

I love feedback and so far I've gotten radio silence >le sigh< but anyway who's squealing with me over their blossoming relationship?
Vomment someone!

See Ya!

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