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It was laughable. The way Cain passed out next to my cell. The way I searched for Nicholas only to hear that he was dead from a guard. The way I was in denial and only gave up when I saw Nick's dead body with my own eyes. The way Cain fell into a coma. The way his brother cried while glaring at me. The way I found out I was pregnant despite everything that happened to me.

The last five months of my life was laughable.

Right now, as I stare into the souls of my students - I feel laughable. A girl of... what?- 21 as of yesterday, teaching weapons to a bunch of 16 year olds.

Well, since I've got experience with weapons and basically no further education - I'm stuck here.

A teacher at my high school... Yay. Goals. Earning a salary that currently can't even support me. I've really made it in life. Note the sarcasm.

A cherry on top is that Skywalker flew me to spend my birthday with a comatose person, who is also the father of my unborn child, and also a man I really liked, almost loved. I could've loved him but we were interrupted too many times in the short four months I've known Cain Romero.

Plus, everything with Nick and Ethan York and spending two weeks in a different time zone and the Renatonan and my brother and my father being alive. Things have been hectic, I needed a change of pace.

"Ms Chaser-" Giggles erupt in the back of the gym. "It's Chase Javier." I correct him for the hundredth time and people really start laughing. Immature little shits. Don't worry Raina, you clock off immediately after this. "When do we get to use real blades?" When you grow the fuck up. "When you reach senior year." I drone, feeling like smacking my head into a wall.

I draw the wooden katana from it's sheath. I'm not particularly strong enough for constant broadsword use - especially in my current condition and especially not after being held in a cage for a month. "Everyone pair up. Let's run the drills again." They groan but obey anyway. A hand goes up and my eyebrows goes up. No one ever adheres to polite school etiquette when I, a TA for Mr Draghi (the actual weapons teacher), am in charge. The class actually falls silent as the student walks to the front.

"Aren't you THE Raina Chase?" "Well, kid - I'm reformed." I clean my teeth, grinning wolfishly. "Tryna make an honest living and all that." "Bullshit." Another snot nosed kid shouts and I want to pull out my hair. But I indulge them because I really don't wanna do drills again - they mess up enough as it is. "Well if you must know - I made a deal with the FBI to stay out of jail. But it's a secret." Don't judge me, I had to keep at least some of my tattered pride. My reputation is through the gutter of I'm being honest - a real joke is what I am now. At least I know that my pregnancy isn't out yet.

The bell rings and I exhale deeply, time for Skywalker again. I stroll out of the gymnasium whistling cheerily, Luke's car waiting for me. I grin, hopping into the passenger's seat with a grin. "How long are you going to keep this up Rain?" Luke sighs, reversing out of the school's parking lot. "Well as you know, I'm unemployed and not exactly ri-" "If you're going to say not rich then you forget I do your books."
"It's not mine." I answer stubbornly and Luke narrows his eyes. "Nick left that money to you and with-" Forsyth glances at my tummy and I wrap a protective arm around my little watermelon before meeting my eyes again. "You definitely going to need it." "My money is gone and you know it - the Renatonan..."
"Are no match for Lindsay, we could get your money back anytime but you refuse. Why?"
To be completely honest, I don't know - but I'll be damned to say that to Luke.
"Because." I retort instead and he clenches the steering wheel like it's my neck and he throttles it. "Stop being childish about it Raina."

"I'm not childish, you are." I stick my tongue out, clearly baiting him. Luke pulls into the driveway, "I'm not talking about this anymore."
"Fine." He gets out and slams the door and I hurry behind him. It's so much fun to get Luke all riled up. I close the door softly behind me as I enter but Luke has no such qualms.

"LINDSAY! Talk to Raina! She's being an ass again!" Luke yells in the house before marching up the stairs and slamming a door - probably his bedroom door. Drama king.

"You're back." Lindsay's voice drawls from the kitchen and I pad over. "Yup."
"You know," Linds muses. "He's got a good point." She says motioning to the drama king's room. "Urgh, not you too." I moan, hiding my face between my hands. I need to get them off my case... Aha! Eureka! "I'll take all the money - mine and Nick's when Cain wakes up." I say proudly and I face falls when I catch sight of Lindsay's heartbroken expression. "What if he doesn't wake up?" She whispers and I clench my eyes shut. "He can't not wake up. All of us are waiting for him." I say seriously and Linds takes my hand, "Oh hun." She murmurs as tears fill in my eyes.

I'm two months into my pregnancy. Cain has to wake up. He just has to.

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