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It's not like he hasn't ever lied Raina, why is this any different? It's different... it's different because- he said so! He promised he'd never lie to me again. "Promises were meant to be broken!" Jason's voice haunts me as I turn away, tears leaking again. I was already a broken faucet.

"This is so stupid." I mutter to myself, angrily shoving away tears. "You're being emotional and unreasonable." I mumble, punctuating each sentence with a shove of clothes into my more or less empty suitcase. Enough was enough, the blame was never solely Cain's. Judging everyone's reactions... Rafe also knew. He was apparently my brother but he kept this from me. Just like Jason. I hate secrets. I listen for the voices - the smooth rich baritone of Rafe, the teenage brawl of Mason and the familiar flat honeyed voice of Cain. Another sound seems out of place... the gravelly tone of someone who wasn't supposed to be here. Skywalker.

I slam the door open and the males stop what they're doing, looking at me as I haul my duffel bag over my shoulder. "Well what are we waiting for then, the Romero's aren't meeting next century." I say loudly and the silence is deafening. I'm pretty sure my brother could walk in and no one would give a shit in that minute. "Raina..." Cain reaches for my arm and I move out of reach. "Just because I'm here doesn't mean I've forgiven you. That invitation was addressed to me too Romero... I'd much prefer the mafia not assassinate me in bed one day." I glare at my boyfriend with a straight face before turning to Luke. "Did you know?"

The heartbroken look in his eyes tell me everything I need to know and I try my damnest to not look as shocked as I felt. "How long?" I wince, "Wait. Don't answer that. I don't want to know." I try to keep my spine locked straight, to not show how much I was hurting. The two men I trusted with my life lied to me, this hurts even more than what happened with Nick. He wasn't my entire world like Cain and Luke were. "Keys Mase." I catch the familiar clang of metal in my hand and sigh, "I'll be waiting in the car." I walk straight out of the door and pace myself from running to the car. My reflection in the car window doesn't look like me. She looks so sad with tears glistening in her eyes and frown lines where crow's feet usually are. She looks so tired with circles under her eyes and shoulders crumpling inward. It wasn't really hard to identify with the girl in the mirror because I was sad and tired too. I could understand her.

Someone told me once that when you think you've hit rock bottom you probably haven't yet. That it could be so much worse. They reassured me that rock bottom had many underground levels waiting to collapse and drag you even further down.

They were right.

I thought Nick was hell. I think this is the devil's playground now. I wonder how much further I have to fall to get to the inferno.

I'm so stuck in my thoughts, I don't feel the tears falling down my face and I almost miss the knock at my window. Never before have I been so thankful for tinted glass. I roll down the window by an inch, "What?" "We're leaving now," Mason says softly, "Can I ride with you?" I sigh, knowing that Cain and Luke probably sent him but uncaring of it because I didn't want to be alone right now. "Sure."

"We're going with you." Luke says as I slide out of the car onto the airstrip.
I was never one to mince words so yeah, finding out Rafael Santiago was my half brother sucked, finding out Cain and Luke lied to me sucked even more but the cherry on this clusterfuck that was people around me, was that backup was brought in and ditching them wasn't a viable option right now because... I was pregnant and now unable to care for my own safety and well-being.

Please do note the oozing sarcasm in that last note.

"Rain, it's for your own good." I scoff, looking at Oliver and Sakura sit quietly as Luke lectures me on what was for my own good. Cain was quiet at least, either a smart move or a self preserving one. "I fail to see how having two more people, who don't have to be here by the way, are assets to us." I exclaim quite obviously, and Skywalker stands up in the spacious private jet. "They are our security! In case the murderous family I don't know... TRY TO KILL US!" He gets angry and I count to ten. "That just means two more people die!" Luke fumes at me and Rafe stops the plane from take off.

"I agree with Raina, get out Luke - you don't have to be there either. If they were going to kill us they might as well try now. No more unnecessary casualties. Leave." Cain says quietly and Rafe watches him.

I relax in my chair, closing my eyes to the rest of their conversation. My point got made, the blood is on their hands now. I'm tired of always fighting for what I want. So welcome to my new life's motto. Say your say and move the hell on.

Yes, my boyfriend's mafia and his family probably want to murder me and yes my family tree is every shade of messed up but at least I'm going to have a stress free time in an Italian villa. It'll be my little holiday. When I open my eyes again, Luke and the rest of them were gone leaving only Mason, Rafael, Cain and I on the jet.

Cain sits opposite me - watching me as if I was a flighty bird you could scare off with a single movement. "What now asshole." I snarl and Cain throws a small box to me. I catch it out of reflex and scowl at him before inspecting it. It was a blue velveteen ring box and I opened it, it revealed a diamond ring encrusted with small rubies around the rock.

"What's this?" I ask blankly, as if Cain giving me an engagement ring meant nothing. "Something you'd have worn lon- you know what... fuck it. Just put the damn ring on Raina."

I'm not going to stress about Cain wanting to marry me, or Rafe being my brother, or my mother's sordid affair with Rafe's dad, or me being pregnant, or what stupid plot the Renatonan have planned for us (also that is a really bad name). Not a single thing. No stress. None.

That's also how I drop into sleep, with no stress at all.

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