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Cain Romero POV

"How do I look?" Raina's eyes sparkled as she twirled in front of me. Dusty blue satin dress fitting snugly around her bust before flaring out, hiding the baby bump, with a ridiculously high slit. The empire dress hid our jellybean well. Today was the last day we'd stay in Bellagio. We decided.

I'm going with my wife. And if I survive the day... I'm giving her a proper wedding ceremony.

I smile, holding out my arm to her. "You look breathtaking Raincloud." She flushes and glances away as she takes my arm. "Thanks, you look dashing by the way- nice tux." She peeks up at me with shy gray eyes, tucking her dark brown hair behind her ear. I press a kiss to her forehead, and she grins up at me.

We actually, for the first time since we met, were acting our age.

A pair of naive 20-somethings.

Hard to believe we were so young, but so old at the same time. Raina and I have experienced too much for our short lifetimes. But then it was the price we paid for our parents- who never protected us the way kids were meant to be protected. We had to grow up fast or we never would've survived.

Our bug was going to have a different life. We'd protect him with everything in us.

"Let's go." I murmur in her ear, her hand in mine as we walk towards the car- Kas and Rafe already in the front seat.
Raina purses her lips, tugging my hand and sliding into the black Benz awaiting our arrival. Not waiting for me to open the door or anything.

I frown, but I always knew she didn't need all that. On a day like today, it was even more obvious that she didn't need me.

I sigh, getting into the car after her. "Well, you two clean up nicely." Raina comments, her hand finding mine and I curl my fingers around hers.
"I could say the same to you," Kas snarks and the edge of Rafe's lip rises, as if expecting her remark. "You look pretty sister."

I relax into the seat as Kas drives to the church- preparing myself for the Renatonen's final strike. Today we'd see the face of the person behind all this.


The mood in the car falls silent, anticipation curling in the air. But our anticipations were different... Raina was looking forward to the wedding ceremony and the other two were ready to kill. I knew they were decked from her to toe in weaponry.
Unlike Raina.

She only had a gun hidden in it's holster on her thigh and a pair of knives strapped into the back of her short bodice on her dress. She was earnest this morning as we were getting dressed. She told me that she's not fighting today. I trust you Romero, I'm sitting this one out. Be careful- or bug and I'll miss you.
She said bug laughingly, still making fun of me wanting to call our baby bugaboo. My Raina was very cute when she was teasing me.

She always was. I guess that's why I could never resist kissing her like that.

Today was a day of reflections.
It's been a week almost since the day we came back from the hospital.
Mason still doesn't believe anything about the story we made up... that Raina was injured from the assassination attempt; but he was coming home with us tonight after today's events.

Vassia and Caldwell were getting married.

Regret ate away at my heart as I glanced at Raina. I couldn't help but think that she deserved a proper wedding. She keeps telling me that she was also to blame and I shouldn't worry so much.


I turn towards her, her hand on my arm-looking up at me with slight confusion. "We're here. Let's go get a nice seat before the place fills up." She says cheerfully, attempting to pretend she doesn't know what's going to happen once we enter.

"Let's just stay like this awhile." I breathe, wrapping my arms around her and tighten my hold on her. "Rain, just remember," I pull away with my hands on her shoulders, "I love you, okay." Her grey eyes clear imperceptibly and I struggle to look at her without wanting to hide her away.

She was our bait today.
We knew the Renatonen were after her.

Her father. The attack on Jason's headquarters. The flight to Sicily. The kidnapping attempt (officially the assassination attempt).

Now today, she was the catalyst. The Renatonen would be mad to attack today-with both the mafia and special ops watching over today's proceedings. But, again, they were never sane in the first place.

"I love you too," Her face softens, grey eyes gazing at me as she cups my cheek. "We have to go, Cain. Ready?"

I fight everything in me saying no, and nod my head once. Not trusting the lie to come out. She holds my hand as we get out of the car, the people around us- once engaged in lively conversation- fall silent and Raina holds her head up high, grabbing my hand as we walks up the cathedral steps.

I follow her silently, trailing just a bit behind and looking around. The green grass and the gravel path flashes across my vision as the sun attempts to blaze into my retinas.

"Cain." She tugs my hand and I look up at my wife. Rain sees the look on my face and sighs, pausing on the steps.

"Okay, here's what's going to happen. Either you fix the look on your face or I'm flying to the Bahamas without you."

Her expression is one that we've come to know as her 'Teacher Chase face'. Skywalker swears she used to only pull that face when the kids weren't listening at the school.

" You can do this okay, now let's go." She softens her tone and turns around to keep walking.

Bellagio was behaving today- the sun was shining, there wasn't a trace of wind. Birds were chirping happily, and the colors around us were vivid.

We walk into the church, straggling couples following us in murmured conversation. My eyes take time to adjust to the cool setting of the Roman catholic church.

Raina doesn't speak- tugging me to our designated seats in the fifth row on the left, where the rest of the bride's guests sat.


Her impatience was infectious as we made our way to our seats. I furrow my brow, seeing three poorly hidden assassins lurking in the shadows.

So the Renatonen were finally making their move.


Yay! Part two is almost complete! Thanks for your support thus far everyone!

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