to drink or not to drink

830 36 10

August was lying in a hospital bed unconscious with severe swelling,
"Did you really need to hit him that many times," Regina sassed
"Yes!" Killian growled pulling Emma under his arm, she rolled her eyes and moved away a little so that she could actually breathe
"Why did you think it was Anne?" Snow asked while bouncing Neal up and down on her hip
"It just sounded like something she'd say, it wasn't him! He wouldn't speak like that" Emma shook her head
"Maybe you don't know him as well as you thought you did?" Killian implied, his face was still screwed up in anger.

Emma shoved away and looked at him
"It... wasn't... him." She said slowly
"We believe you," regina interrupted sensing the obvious tension "but if that person in there is Anne... then where is August?"
"That's what I'm going to find out," Emma span on her heels and walked away toward the door

Killian followed swiftly behind and grabbed her arm to stop her,
"Where are you going?" He span her around
"To find August!" She told him In a duh time
"He's right in there," Killian pointed to the hospital room
"I don't understand what your NOT getting about IT ISN'T HIM?"
"I know you like to think the best about people you care about swan... but maybe some people just aren't good people?"

She rolled her eyes as she went to walk away but he walked in front of her to stop her
"Why? Why is it so important that it isn't him? What did he say?"
"It's important because August could be in a ditch somewhere bleeding out! And SHE told me about my grandfather," she told him
"What about your grandfather did HE tell you?"
"SHE told me about his death,"
"What about it?" He pushed
"That is wasn't an accident... that he was murdered,"
"What? How?"
"By you..." Emma spoke on a hushed tone so her father wouldn't hear

Killian's jaw clenched as he racked his brain, as he was thinking Emma slipped past him and out the door. By the time he looked back to where she was stood... she was already gone.

~at the sheriffs station 2 hours later~

"hey mom!" henry chimed, walking in and sitting on the couch beside her desk
"Hey kid," Emma half smiled and continued sieving through papers that might hold a clue as to where August is
"Found anything about August yet?"
"I know that he left his house at half 5 and then went to the store and bought dinner and after he left The store is when I think Anne got him, Marco said he didn't come home but he didn't come to our house until half 10 so there is a pretty big gap that Anne could have easily used..."
"Any theories?" Henry asked eating the last of Emma's grilled cheese
"Nope.." Emma sighed heavily and slumped back into her chair

"Mom..." Henry approached the subject carefully
"Where is Killian?" Henry asked wearily, Killian would usually be sat here with her and helping so when he walked in and she was alone he became confused
"He thinks that it was actually August," she rolled her eyes
"He's probably just jealous," Henry shrugged
"Probably," Emma sighed, she felt bad for how she left things at the hospital but she was already on her last nerve and he knew which buttons to push
"You wanna go get some shut eye?" He asked sensing the sleep deprivation practically radiating off her
"No I need to figure this out first," she shook herself awake and went back to work
"You won't work properly unless you rest your body mom," he reminded her
"Fine lets go, you want me to drop you off at Regina's?"

Emma walked into her house warily, she knew that she was either about to have it out or have a heart to heart with Killian, to be honest she wasn't really in the mood for either.

She threw her keys on the side and pulled her jacket off, Killian's jacket wasn't there...
"Killian?" She called through the house but there was no reply
"Hook? You home?" She shouted up the stairs but to no prevail.

She pouted realising he was still out, she didn't want to speak to him but she'd never say no to a cuddle.
She sulked up the stairs and decided to just go straight to bed... alone

~at the tavern 2 hours later~

"Sorry mate that's gotta be the last one now I'm closing soon," the bar tender informed a very drunk Killian
"Don't worry about it! I probably deserve it," Killian slurred
"Sorry?" The guy asked
"I bring it all on myself,"
"Look it wasn't about you or anyth-"
"But!" Killian shouted "It was a Long long long long long long long.... time ago! So why is she still mad at me about it now? It's not like she's never made any mistakes in her past... I mean I know she hadn't killed anyone but still..."

The guy slowly reached back and grabbed the phone ringing the sheriffs department, the phone was connected to Emma's mobile which woke her up from a sleep
"Hello?" Emma yawned
"Sheriff swan?"
"Yes" Emma sat upright in bed realising it was a sheriffs call
"I'm a bar tender at the rabbit hole and there is some guy here who is drunk and going on about killing someone" he sounded scared
"Is he tall dark and handsome with blue eyes and a lot of leather?" Emma sighed heavily
"That's him... you know him?"
"Unfortunately," she rolled her eyes  "I'm on my way," she promised

She rolled out of bed and swiftly got changed before heading to the door,

She entered the bar and Killian spotted her from out of the corner of his eye,
"Ah hey erm..." he pointed to the guy behind the bar
"Mark" he told him his name
"Mike this is the blonde I was telling you about." He pointed to Emma who was now next to them "swan this is Martin, he is going to coach us through this rough spot." He slurred pulling Emma closer. She shoved him and away and rolled her eyes at how drunk he was
"Lets go Killian,"
"No! Not until you forgive me!"
"I definitely won't if you keep acting like a three year old instead of a three hundred year old!"
"I'm sorry ok... it was a long long long long time ago!" Killian got onto his hands and knees and grabbed Emma's wrists to beg her

She winced as he touched her bruise, he yanked his hand back like it was poisoned and looked disgusted with it,
"Sorry love," he sobered a little
"I'm fine but unless you get up I'm taking you straight to the station and you can spend the night there,"
He stood up and let his head hang low while he stared at her wrists
She smiled at Mark and then turned to leave,
"Bye Mathew," Killian waved before following behind like a scolded puppy

"Swan!" He called after her as she sped ahead
She walked through the front door and threw her jacket on the couch then went to head up the stairs but he stopped her,
"I'm sorry I hurt you," he looked at her wrist
"I'm not mad at you for that, I know you didn't mean to,"
"Then why?"
"Because you don't believe me!"
"Yes I do!"
"Not with the august thing,"
"Oh I thought it was about because I... i killed...."
"Killian," she interrupted grabbing his cheeks and making him look at her instead of her wrists "i already said I forgave your past and that's in your past so it's already forgiven,"
"I'm sorry," he pouted
"Not believing you and getting drunk,"
"I'm sorry for throwing all the information on you at once," she smiled

He kissed her wrist and almost fell asleep in her hand, she giggled and he smiled, she helped him up the stairs
"If you want to take me to bed swan you could've just asked," he raised his eyebrow and smirked mischievously
"Not tonight!" She rolled her eyes and pushed him into the bathroom,
"Why?" He whined
"Because your breathe smells like death!"
"Ouch," he grabbed his heart
"Well next time you go to  go and get dunk just remember exactly what you're not getting later," she laughed and shut the bathroom door

He climbed into bed and pulled Emma against him, kissing the back of her neck,
"Goodnight my swan,"
"Night," she sighed sleepily
"I love you," Killian kissed her shoulder and rubbed her stomach
"You're not getting any," Emma slapped Killian's wondering hands
"Fine," he rolled his eyes and kissed her cheek before nuzzling the back of her head and almost instantly falling asleep.

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