Amongst the darkness

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Killian opened his eyes and immediately his nose picked up the scent he has spent hundreds of years smelling... 'the ocean!' He thought to himself as he sat up and looked to the side noticing that they were all lying on a beach.
"What happened?" Henry mumbled sitting up and looking around
"We're back...," charming replied

"So what now?" Henry asked 
"Now we find a ship," Killian replied looking around him to figure out where he thought the next docks would be
"And where do we get one of those?" Charming asked wiping the sand off of his jeans
"Well... the sun is going from east to west which means that we're on the south of the enchanted forest and from the darkness of the water I'd say we're near to the pearl harbour which should be due north of here so with any luck it should be just over the next hill," Killian replied drawing out a map in the sand with his foot
"You got all that from the sun and the sea?!" Charming asked staring at the plan written in the sand
"Yep," Killian smiled popping the p at the end
"I hope your right pirate," Henry replied, he was still mad at hook and it was going to take a while before he trusted him again
"Me too," Killian sighed knowing that he had a lot of making up to do but if it was for Emma then he'd gladly do it.

They walked down the beach and then into a wood and kept going until they reached a hill, looking down they saw exactly what Killian had expected
"Told ya!" He smiled "pearl harbour..."
"Great let's go," charming smiled walking down the hill followed by Henry and Killian a little behind him.

"Look mate..." Killian began speaking to Henry
"I'm not your mate!" Henry replied not looking at him once
"It's not your fault about your mother," he reassured him
"I know!" Henry spat suddenly turning to face him "it's yours,"
"I know..." Killian looked at the ground in shame "I know and I feel guilty every second of every minute that passes by... knowing that..." he choked and swallowed the lump that formed in his throat "knowing that she's in pain because of what happened... because of what I did,"
"If you expect me to feel sorry for you then you can..." Henry began before hook interrupted him
"I don't expect you to feel sorry for me... I want you to hate me, to give me a hard time, to blame me. Because I deserve it" he told him, holding back his tears
"I'm not angry at you... I'm angry at life but I can't beat that up so i figured you were the next best option..." they bothered laughed a little "I'm sorry I took it ALL out on you, you were trying to save her and I get that I probably would've done the same thing... I just hate the fact that all these things keep happening... it's just a bad thing and then another and then another we never get a break." Henry began to cry and Killian pulled him into his chest
"That's why you have to keep fighting! You can't focus on all the bad things because you miss all the good things!" Killian comforted him
"Like what?" Henry asked
"Like love! I found Emma because she and Mary Margaret fell through a portal... I would never have found the love of my life if something bad hadn't have happened! And then she was taken away and turned into a bloody dark one and when we went to rescue her you met violet." He laughed and Henry smiled remembering operation light swan "what I'm trying to say is you have to search for the light amongst the darkness... and when you find it you hold onto it and use it to guide you home,"
"You really like your metaphors!" Henry laughed and wiped away the tear that had fallen down his cheeks
"Hey! It makes me more dramatic!" Killian laughed wiping away his own
"The guy liner helps too!" They both laughed harder noticing the black lines that had smudged down his face due to the tears
"Are you two finished? Can we save my daughter now?" Charming interrupted and they both nodded following him Down the hill.

The dock was filled with grand boats from pirate ships to navy vessels to small rowing boats.
"How do we procure one of these ships?" Charming asked as they walked down the middle of the docks
Dodging seagull poo
"We have two options... we can buy one or steal one," Killian replied stepping over a rope
"Well which ones quicker?"Henry asked
"Well it's probably easier in the long run to buy one because then we won't have anyone on our tail but we don't have anything to pay for it with so our options are pretty much steal or swim," Killian sighed
"Well which one?" Charming asked
"Seriously... prince everything has to be perfect wants to steal a ship?" Killian laughed
"If it's for my family it's acceptable," charming rolled his eyes
"Agreed!" Henry smiled
"Well then..." Killian rubbed his thumb on his chin as if he was thinking deeply and then looked around the docks
"That one!" He pointed to a medium sized boat at ten end of the docks .
"Why that one? That ones bigger!" Henry pointed to a grand wooden ship with blue and yellow patterns painted down the side and a mermaid at the front carved out of wood
"Because that ones a navy vessel, which means it wouldn't just be that one crew after us it would be a whole navy of sailers with cannons so no it's not happening and this one is at the end so it's easier to get away fast also there are no markings which means it isn't navy and it isn't a pirates ship, it's going to take them a while to come after us... that's if they actually do." Killian informed them quietly so nobody heard them planning to steal a ship.

They walked to the end of the docks and hook and charming kept watch while Henry went onboard of the ship and set it up , pulling up the anchor and setting up the sails
"Swan!" Henry shouted out the signal and hook and charming both jumped onto the boat, untying it as they went

"Wait stop!" A man shouted from the docks as they sailed away
"Sorry but my swan needs this more then you!" Killian shouted back
"That's not yours to take!" The man replied
"Her heart wasn't Anne's to break!"
"Never mind!"

Killian walked over to the wheel and steered the boat in the direction of the treasure caves
"How long of a journey is it?" David asked
"I'd say we'll be there by sun up tomorrow morning," Killian replied
"Good, the sooner we get this done the sooner we can get back!" Charming replied

*back in storybrooke*

"Do you think they'll be ok?"snow asked pacing up and down Emma's hospital room as Regina sat in the chair beside her
"I think they're heroes... heroes always win," Regina smiled bouncing baby Neal on her knee and cooing at him to calm him down
"Maybe but heroes are also always having to fight... is a constant battle really winning?" Snow asked reaching into her bag to pull out Neals bottle and handed it to regina
"Yes! Because always fighting means always having something to live for... if constantly battling villains means I get to save my family then it's worth every scrape and bruise," Regina comforted her rocking Neal as he drank his milk
"But it's not just scrapes and bruises regina!" Snow snapped "sorry I don't mean to snap, but look at her..." she cried sitting on Emma's bed and moving the hair from on her face and placing it behind her ear "she's supposed to be laughing and having fun with her 'true love' and we are supposed to be eating dinner together at granny's but instead the boys are all in the enchanted forest going to some cave that's literally shaped like a skull, we're hiding out in a hospital room and that hospital room is where Emma is hooked up to a life machine with a literal broken heart,"
"I know... I'm not going to say that everything turns out fine in the end because I'm not the kind of person... but I know from experience...screw that I know from you that if we don't have hope that things will get better then they definitely won't!" Regina grabbed snows hand and squeezed it tightly
"I'm trying  my best to have hope," snow smiled back at her "I just can't seem to find it,"
"Then don't... have some faith instead, have faith that charming Henry and hook will come back and we can save Emma and then we can all go to granny's and have dinner while Emma laughs and smiles because she's back with her true love!" Regina wiped the tears from snows cheeks and smiled at her.
"I will... I choose to have faith!" Snow smiled
"Then so do I!" Regina laughed

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