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Killian's POV:

When I woke up everyone was still asleep but Emma wasn't lay with me anymore. Maybe she just got too hot and had to move? Slowly I sat up and looked around the room... she's not here!

I stood up and ran upstairs
"Swan?" I whisper shouted so that I wouldn't wake up anyone downstairs.
"Emma?!" I shouted louder when she didn't reply. I walked into our room and saw the bathroom door closed
"Emma?" I knocked on the door

"Ye?" She sniffled then replied,
"you alright love?" I questioned trying to keep the concern and worry out of my voice but failing miserably
"Yep," she replied quickly I heard her moving closer to the door but she didn't open it.
"Your forgetting something love," I lay my forehead against the door
"What?" She questioned
"Your an open book," I reminded her
She sighed loudly and then sniffled again
"I just want to take a shower I'll be down in a bit," she lied... badly
"Emma... love I know you," I sighed against the door
"I know... too well," she laughed but it left as soon as it came
"Let me in..."
"Emma... is this about what I did?" I swallowed my guilt
"About me betraying you?" I looked at the floor in shame.

The door unlocked and I saw a red faced, puffy eyed Emma ( I have no idea how but she still looked beautiful)
"You didn't betray me," she lay her hand on my face and I leaned into it closing my eyes at the softness of her skin
"Then why are you upset?" I asked
"It's stupid," she sighed wiping her tears away with her jacket sleeve.

I moved my hand to her cute little face and dried it with my thumb,
"If it's made you upset it isn't..." I promised looking deep into her eyes, into her souls, her bloody beautiful soul!
"I just have a feeling that something isn't right..." she looked at the floor and my heart dropped... no it plummeted! Is she breaking up with me?!?!?!?!?!
"With us?"
"No!" She said quickly and I started to breathe again "why do you?" She looked like she just went through what I did
"No, never," I smiled at her and she took a big breath in like it was her first in a while
"I mean, with me"
"What do you mean love?" I asked
"I just have a feeling that something's wrong..."
"I haven't gotten my period again yet and it just feels... weird in that area..."
"Maybe your...." I tried to hide my smile "pregnant?"
"No," she looked like she's already eliminated that option "the times don't add up for me to be pregnant Killian..."
"Is there some way of figuring that out in this world?" I was extremely confused right now
"I mean, it's been at least 2 months since we've had sex because of everything and I would definitely know for sure by now so I know I'm not."
"Well then what?" I asked
"I don't know but I know it's not right," she shrugged and her eyes filled up again.

I pulled her into my arms cautiously avoiding her wound, and picked her up sitting on the bed with her on my knee.
"We'll figure it out love," I promised her kissing her on the forehead and letting her rest against me "how much sleep have you had?" I asked as she wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head in between my shoulder and neck.
"None." She replied
"Well you need some... but let's go downstairs for it because if we stay up here your father will shoot me," I tried lightening the mood and it worked for a little while but she sighed again
"You can go to sleep and then when we wake up I'll take you to the hospital and we will see what's going on, it might just be a side affect from everything that's gone on recently," I comforted her she nodded and I lifted her up.

I gently walked her downstairs while she lay in my arms , I'll never get used to how good I felt when I held her but right now the worry I had was eating me up, what if something is wrong? I don't know if I could live if she wasn't here with me... she makes my life better... she makes me better, I only need her.

I lay on the couch and wrapped a blanket around us. Kissing her cheek I whispered sweet nothings into her ear as she drifted to sleep
"I'll protect you Emma... always!"

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