Killians path

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Killian felt like it had been century's since he fist walked through the hole in the wall, and he should know what that feels like. "If you ask me there is nothing more boring then land travel," Killian spoke out load,
Suddenly he heard a humming noise coming from the end of the tunnel.

It sounded familiar, like he'd heard it before, he thought about it for a long while before it came to him, "my mom!" He spoke out load again.
He didn't remember much about his mother, he couldn't really tell to what she looked like but the one memory he did have was of her humming sweet tunes to him when he couldn't sleep.

He walked towards the noise cautiously, 'how the bloody hell can I be hearing this?' he thought to himself.
He found a wooden door at the end of the path and realised that the song was coming from inside the room.
Slowly, he opened the door and watched as it revealed the mystery to him.

The room looked extremely similar like his cabin on the jolly Rodger but the bed was larger and it looked a lot better kept, there were flowers on the dining table and actual curtains on the windows, he scanned further and quickly put all the pieces together.

Sat in the corner of the room, gently rocking back and forth on a wooden chair whilst humming the nostalgic tune to a tiny baby with big blue eyes and blonde hair was his beautiful swan.

Her blonde hair framed her face perfectly as she smiled down at the perfect little baby, her face was full of life which made Killian's heart swell, knowing she was healthy and ok was the same as someone physically healing him.

"Swan?" Killian finally spoke up after admiring Emma, making sure he wasn't too loud in case he woke the baby,
"It's about bloody time," she smiled sweetly at him,
"I'm so sorry Emma," he cried
"Hey, it's ok I was just joking," she laughed a little, placing the baby in a small cot and walking over to Killian to wipe his tears
"How am I here em?" Killian stared into her emerald green eyes for what felt the first time in forever.
"I'm guessing you walked down the stairs and into the cabin?" She laughed but she could tell something was wrong so she pulled him over to the bed and sat down with him "what's going on?" She placed her hands on his cheeks
"That's what I was going to ask," he lightened up when he felt her soft touch on his face, cooling the tears on his cheeks "I love you Emma!" He cried again, placing his forehead against hers
"I love you too but what's going on?" Emma asked kissing his cheek,
He nuzzled his head into her neck and placed a small kiss there
"I don't know swan, I never meant to hurt you, I only wanted to save your heart not break it, I don't know what I'll do if you..." he sobbed
She combed through his black hair with her fingers and kissed the top of her hair
"It's ok baby," she rocked him "I love you I'll always forgive you no matter what you've done,"
He moved to look her in the eyes, he took her whole face in, remembering every single detail just incase it was the last time he saw it.
"You don't know what I've done," he kissed her button nose and she giggled a little
"I trust you," she smiled
"Maybe you shouldn't," he looked down at the ground
"Well that's not your choice, now talk to me!" She told him forcing him to look at her face

He explained everything to her all the way up to when he heard the humming in the tunnel.
"Well then I think you know what you've gotta do," Emma smiled at him
"What's that?" He asked still crying from talking about breaking her heart
"You've got to go and save me..." she smiled at him "you have got to go and save US!" she kissed him softly and he hugged her tightly, tighter then he'd ever held her before.
"I love you Emma swan!" He kissed her cheek before she started to disappear
"No you can't leave me, not again!" He cried trying to hold her tighter
"You'll see me again soon Killian, I promise!" She smiled before she fully disappeared leaving Killian sobbing in the middle of the tunnel.

He finally found the strength the pull himself to his feet and keep going,
As he got to the end of the tunnel he found himself in a large cave with dripping water,
"Finally!" Henry sighed as they were now all in the cave,
"Did anyone else see..." David began
"Emma... aye!" Killian sighed still trying to gather his emotions.

Suddenly the moss on the far wall began shifting, creating letters on the wall,
'Well done, you passed the emotional test, '
It read

Suddenly the water turned into a water fall before the words changed again
'Take what you need but never in greed!'

"Finally, lets go home!" Charming smiled
Killian poured out all of his rum from his flask and filled it with the water,
"Wait shouldn't we get some more just in case something like this happens again? And I don't know about you but I don't want to go through that again!" Charming sighed
"No! That would be greedy and I don't want to risk going against the cave," Henry stopped him.

"Now how'd we get out of here?" Killian asked looking around for an opening
"Over here!" Henry shouted from round a corner,
As they met him behind a wall they walked out of the cave at the back and shielded their eyes from the sun, they carefully made their way round the edge of the rocks and back to their boat.

"Erm, I might've missed something here but how do we get back to storybrooke?" Killian asked as they sailed through the much calmer waves
"The spawn of true love," charming told him
"The what of what what?" Killian. Screwed his face up in confusion
"The spawn of true love," charming repeated
"Aye mate I heard you the first time but what I meant was... what the bloody hell is that?" He asked
"When two people who are destined to be true loves first realised it then a seed is planted there and that is where the spawn of true love is," charming explained
"and where do we get one of those?" Killian asked
"Where did you and Emma fall in love?" Henry asked
"I don't think she loved me in this world mate," Killian told Henry
"Well what about snow?" Henry and charming
"I'll explain on the way!" Charming smiled

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