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"Hey sweetie where's Emma?" Charming asked snow as he walked into grannies and sat down at their booth which had more space without Killian and Emma.
"Killian said Emma is still a little sore so they are missing it for today," snow handed Neal to David so she could eat her food
"She seemed fine at work," Davids eyebrows creased in confusion
"I did think it was a little weird when Killian called asking if I was with her," Henry chimed in
"Wait when I called him he sounded as if he was with her?" Snow questioned
"Maybe they were... I mean to be fair this is like the first time they've been alone for a while..." Regina suggested
"Killian seemed pretty worried when he couldn't find her though, he isn't that good of a actor," Henry quickly changed the subject, not wanting to think about his mom like that.
"I feel like something is wrong," snow gulped
"Why?" Charming asked bottle feeding Neal who started to get fussy
"I can't explain it... mothers instinct I guess, I've felt it all day that's why I was trying to get in touch with them all day."snow looked visibly worried
"I'm sure she's fine, I think we are all still just a little bit on edge." Charming rubbed her arm and smiled comfortingly but snow was still biting her nails nervously "fine, then we will stop at Killian and Emma's later with some food,"
"Ok," snow agreed
"Now eat!" Charming commanded

-2 hours later-

"See the tv is on, I told you they were fine!" David told snow as they pulled up to Emma's house
"You can still be murdered when the tv is on!" Snow huffed, swiftly unbuckling and exiting the car.
She marched up to the front door and knocked once before pulling out her spare key and walking in.

As she entered she saw Killian and Emma fast asleep on the couch with Star Wars playing on the tv.
"See I told you so!" David grabbed snows shoulder and placed the granny's on the table, writing a note and placing it beside the bag of food.

Your mother thought you should eat, love you!

Dad xx

They slowly exited the house and snow locked the door behind them.

Killian's eyes slowly opened, he took a few moments to adjust to the light, he smiled when he felt Emma shuffle against his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around her body and pulled her up so he could look at her beautiful face. As he admired her lush lips he couldn't help but connect his with hers gently.

He looked around the room and noticed a bag of granny's on the kitchen table. He gently stood with Emma in his arms and then lay her back on the couch, pulling a blanket over her and laying her head on the cushion.

He walked to the dining table and read the note, 'glad to to know that I'm cared about too,' he laughed to himself . He checked inside the bag and saw that there was a grilled cheese, some onion rings, a burger and some fries. 'Ah they did remember the one handed pirate,' he smiled and pulled two plates out the cupboard.

He plated the food up and carried them both on one arm, placing them on the coffee table. He leaned over Emma and placed tiny kisses all over her face until she woke up. She giggled sleepily when she realised what had woken her up. Even though she turned her head he continued to kiss all the skin he could reach. "Killian," she laughed grabbing his face and moving it from her her neck "you woke me up because?" She questioned
"You hungry?" He kissed her lips
"It depends if your being metaphorical or if you mean actual food..." she laughed
"Which do you want?" He raised his eyebrow seductively
She gave him a look that read 'food is my life bitch!'

He laughed at her cute little face and kissed her button nose, "I have food baby don't kill me," he laughed
"Good because I was going to practice my fireballs if you didn't," she laughed and smiled at the grilled cheese next to her. "Eeek food!" She squealed and pushed Killian to the side so she could get to the food
"Wow! I'm really feeling the love right now," Killian laughed as Emma sat in front of the coffee table.
She simply stuck her tongue out at him but she was so cute that he didn't mind
"Wow I feel a little hurt that you don't seem as happy to see me as you do when you see food,"Killian teased
"Aww, don't feel bad nobody trumps food in my life," she lifted her eyebrows up and down a few times causing Killian to chuckle.

"Hey mom, hey Killian!" Henry greeted as he came in
"Hey kid," Emma smiled
"Can I stay here?" Henry practically begged "my other mom is fussing over a detention I got," he whined
"Then no definitely not! I shall not have any outlaws under my roof!" Killian laughed throwing a fry at Henry who scoffed
"What did you do?" Emma asked
"Failed to submit my maths homework," Henry sighed and slumped into a chair
"OMG you little rebel child!" Emma gasped dramatically
"Aww your just like your mother," Killian laughed but stopped when he felt an onion ring hit his forehead
"Shut it," Emma laughed
"Rude!" Killian laughed "sure you can," Killian answered Henry
"Hey!" Emma laughed "what if I didn't want him to?"
Henry gasped and grabbed his chest dramatically "wow... that hurts!"
"Maybe we don't want you here?!" Killian clicked his finger sassily causing Emma and Henry to burst out laughing

"I don't think you used that right Killian but nice try," Henry laughed
"Why not?!" He pouted
"Never mind," Emma laughed

They laughed and had fun for the rest of the night until Henry went to bed and said goodnight.
"Is it time go bed yet?"Killian whined crawling over to Emma on the couch
"You can go to bed if you want," Emma teased curling into a ball so he couldn't touch her
Killian pouted and practically laid on top of Emma.
"Get off you're so heavy!" Emma whined while laughing
"Only if you let me take you to bed," he bargained making Emma giggle

He tickled her rib making Emma unfold, he took advantage of the situation and wrapped his arms around her and lifted her up, making his way upstairs while Emma giggled.

He threw her on the bed and climbed on top of her
"Killian!" Emma giggled
"Your so cute!" Killian smiled as he stared into her emerald green eyes
"Your so cheesy!" Emma mocked
"You love it!" He kissed her cheek
"Sometimes," she teased
"I know when you lie swan.." he reminded her running his hand down her figure
"How do you know I'm not faking everything?" She laughed
"Because nobody can fake enjoying it that much," he said lustfully before connecting their lips in a heated kiss
She moaned into his mouth making Killian smile
"Told you," he mocked
"Shut up and kiss me!"

Monthly cycle Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora