Miss me

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"Well what?" Killian snapped clenching his jaw
"What's going on?" Regina rushed in with Henry
"That's exactly what I'd like to know?" Killian shouted at whale
"Well she's stable... but i still don't know what it is exactly that's making her ill," whale winced
"Ill?" Henry stood up shocked
"Is she awake?"snow asked
"No but your her mother so you can go in and see her if you want," whale said

Snow moved past the crowd of now angry men and into Emma's room, as she closed the door behind she shut out the sound of Killian shouting at whale.
"Oh Emma!" A tear fell down snows cheek as she walked over to Emma who looked so ill "what happened to you my beautiful baby!" She moved Emma's hair out of her face and pushed it behind her ears then took out a wet wipe and cleaned her face gently moving the wipe under her eyes where her tears had smudged her mascara.

The door opened and charming walked in holding Neal and wrapped an arm round snow placing a kiss on her head
"You stay here I'll take Neal home," he said rubbing Emma's hand
"Where's Killian?" Snow asked wiping her cheek
"Practically ripping the head off dr whale while he runs Emma's blood tests," charming laughed
"Charming," snow began sitting onto the chair beside Emma's bed "who the hell did this?"
"Well Killian mentioned a ginger doctor maybe it was zelena,"
"Emma would know if it was zelena,"
"Ye I guess,"
Neal started crying and charming kissed his wife then his daughter on the forehead before leaving rocking Neal to calm him down.

On the way out he saw Killian and Henry asleep in the waiting room
"Aren't you going in?" Charming asked as Killian turned to face him
"I'm not allowed..."Killian clenched his jaw
"What why?"
"Because I'm not immediate family or her husband," Killian clenched his jaw again but he didn't stand up incase he woke Henry "and Henry didn't want to see her like that," he hung his head.
David took his jacket off and handed it to Killian to put on.
"Well I'm going to come back tomorrow and see if I can find out who gave Emma the injection, whale thinks it would be a lot quicker to heal her if we know what she was given, you should go home and get some rest,"
Killian looked towards Emma's room as if to say I don't want to leave her
"Snow will call you if anything changes," charming read Killian's mind
"Henry can come home with me," charming insisted
"Come on lad," Killian nudged Henry a bit and stood up. Killian stopped outside the front door of the hospital and looked back
"You coming?" Charming asked as Henry got into his truck with Neal
"Actually I think I'll stay, I'll see you tomorrow," Killian waved them off and made his way back to the floor Emma was on.

"Look I don't know how many times I have to tell you... the rules say that if your not her husband or family member then you can't go in!" Whale stood in front of him
Killian grabbed the collar of his doctors coat and lifted him pushing him hard against the wall
"Maybe I am not blood related to her or her husband but if I'm not allowed to see my swan within the next minute I swear to god your blood is going to be related and married to every inch of this wall," Killian clenched his jaw and then gave him an evil smile putting him down.
"Um... given the situation I think we can make an exception," whale coughed  straightening his doctors coat
"I thought so," Killian said opening the door and then closing it quietly behind him.

He turned to see his girlfriend lying limp on the hospital bed, hooked up to wires and tubes whilst a machine beeped beside her, he swallowed the lump in his throat as a tear escaped his eye and slid down his face, he noticed snow asleep in the chair next to her and he pulled up a chair on the other side of Emma's bed. He intertwined his fingers with hers and kissed her hand noticing how pale her skin looked and how cold it felt against his lips,
"I'm sorry swan, I should have protected you," he cried a little and then sat back in his chair and rubbed her hand gently with his thumb.
"I'll catch the bastard swan I promise,"
He whispered

"Are you referring to me?" A voice came from the corner "but I will have you know both of my parents were married"
A tall women walked into the light
"You," Killian gasped
"Miss me?" She smile deviously

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