Angry son

978 50 10

"Mom!" Henry yelled as he ran down the hospital ward
"Henry!" Regina shouted as he ran into her arms
"What's happened?" He asked pulling away from her embrace
"I'm not sure Henry..." she said pulling him in as he cried
They hugged in the waiting room as charming rocked Neal in the corner and Mary Margaret stared out the window

"She's still in surgery but I thought I'd better update you," whale said as everyone walked to him
"What's happened?" Charming asked
"Well you must understand that she was already weak because of the coma she was in but medically we think she had heart attack," he said hanging his head
"What do you mean medically?" Regina asked as she was the only one able to speak
"Well... we practice this worlds medicine here so we can only put an explanation on what that tells us but..." whale said hesitantly
"Spit it out whale!" Regina shouted
"Storybrooke isn't like the rest of the world... there can be other more magical explanations...."
"Like what?" Snow wiped her tear
"From what I've seen as a doctor in the enchanted forest I believe she suffered with a broken heart,"whale explained
"I don't understand?" Charming cleared his throat
"I do!" Henry said clenching his jaw and storming out the hospital as Regina followed him

She finally caught him halfway down the street
"Henry!" She shouted pulling his arm so he was facing her "what are you doing?"
"What I should have done a long time ago!" He said clenching his fists
"What do you mean?" She asked
"I knew he was no good but she loved him so I learnt to trust him and once you break that trust... there's no going back!" He said pulling from her grip and running away

He arrived at the docks and stormed straight on deck
"And you are?" Anne asked standing up from the barrel she'd been sitting on
"An angry son!" He spat walking past her
"Excuse me... nobody steps on board this ship without an invitation from its captain!" She shouted pulling him back
Regina threw a ball of magic at her knock by her to the ground
"And nobody puts a finger on my son... EVER!" She shouted as Henry slipped past them below deck.

He swung the door of the captains quarters open to find Killian crying in a wooden chair
"Henry?" He said as he saw the boy standing in front of him.
Suddenly Henry punched Killian in the face knocking him to the floor
"Bloody hell!" Killian shouted holding his hand to his face "got to give it to you kid you've got quite the left hook," he said pulling himself up
"How could you?" Henry yelled
"Sorry?" Killian asked in confusion
"You gave me the responsibility of my moms heart! Well I can't... I couldn't do it... I failed... it shouldn't have been my job it should have been yours! Well guess what pretty soon it will be nobody's and you can sit here in your wooden ship with your red headed girlfriend and go to hell because I swear to god if I ever see your face again I'll kick your ass back to neverland!" He yelled before turning and going to walk out
"What do you mean it will be nobody's?" Killian asked with tears streaming from his eyes
"You know... when we watched Peter Pan I used to think they had it wrong... but it turns out they were right... you are the villain!" Henry spat turning and walking away
"Henry wait!" Killian yelled running after him

"What's going on?" Regina asked as they emerged from below deck crying
"Nothing!" Henry said before walking past her and off the ship
"What the hell was that about?" Regina asked Killian before stopping him "where the hell have you been?"
"Here," Killian looked down in shame
"Really because your supposed true love is lying in surgery dying because you're here with this bimbo who thought it was acceptable to lay a hand on my son!" Regina spat
"What do you mean dying? She's fine she was given the injection!" Killian shouted
"That's not what's killing her!" Regina shouted "the broken heart is!"
"What?!"Killian collapsed in shock
"By the way your girlfriends below deck!" Regina shouted as she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke

Killian ran below deck and threw water over Anne as she sat up in shock
"That witch!" Anne shouted in anger
"That's what I was thinking!" He clenched his fist
"What?" She asked looking at the fist
"The deal was that you save Emma!" He shouted in her face
"No, I gave her the antidote to my poison... it's not my fault she's dying now!" She shouted back "in fact I'd probably say If anyone was to blame for this it's you!" She laughed
"Well your her 'true love' and you abandoned her so...." she laughed
"You think this is funny?"
"I think the fact that you think you love her is funny!" She laughed even more before he left slamming the door

"May I remind you of our deal!" She stopped him on the top deck "if you see her then I'll give her the poison again and she'll die instantly!" She growled
"Well you broke the deal!" He spat back pulling from her grip
"Actually nowhere in here does it say I have to protect her from a broken heart!" She yelled pulling out a piece of glowing paper
"Where'd you get that?" He asked
"isn't it obvious... how many people do you know that make magical contracts?"
"Crocodile!" Killian clenched his jaw "but I know how they work and I never signed it!"
"Actually this one is signed when I touch your lips with mine and I did that yesterday so..." she laughed rolling up the contract and putting it in her pocket
"Your evil!" He spat
"Nope! I just know what I want!" She laughed wrapping her arms around his shoulders
"Maybe! But that's doesn't say I have to like you!" He spat pushing her away and leaving the ship
"Don't forget what happens if you see her captain!" She yelled as he walked down the docks

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