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*knock knock knock*

"I'm really getting tired of this," Killian sighed heavily while running a hand through Emma's golden locks,
"Of what?" Emma laughed flicking through Netflix to find a good movie for them to watch
"Being interrupted," he kissed her temple as she sat up so that he could answer the front door.

They'd been cuddling in bed, Killian lay in the centre with Emma curled up half next to and half on him. That was until someone was heavily banging on the door.

"Hello!" Killian huffed pulling the door open to reveal a distressed looking August, "August?"
"Is Emma in?" He panted out of breathe, looking round as if to check he wasn't being chased
"Why?" Killian asked
"I need her?" August pushed, shifting from foot to foot impatiently

"Killian," Emma shouted down "who is it?"
"Me!" August shouted. Pushing past Killian into the living room
"August?" Emma walked half way down the stairs, Killian was not happy about the fact that Emma was wearing what she calls 'pyjamas'... however he didn't think that the tiny shorts and oversized top should been seen by anyone but him.
"I need your help!" August told Emma
"With what?" She walked the
Rest of the way down the stairs and gestured for August to sit on the sofa
"It's a long story..." August shifted around uncomfortably and then looked at Killian and the the door "and a private one..."
"Me?" Killian raised his eyebrow and then laughed sarcastically "bugger off, this is my house!"
"I just need to be alone with Emma for 5 minutes!"
"Me too!" Killian spat

"Killian just wait up stairs," Emma interrupted, he swiftly moved his gaze to her and gave her a 'you gotta be kidding me' face
"Me?... but.."
"I'll be 15 minutes top," she bargained
"But..." he began but he stopped when he recognised her 'don't test me' face. He sighed and gave August an evil look before kissing Emma's cheek to mark his territory and sulkily ascended the stairs.

"What up?" Emma asks August
"It's about Killian...."he whispered
"What about him?" Emma crossed her arms defensively
"I don't think you're safe here alone with him..." he stood up and went to touch her arm but she stepped back and glared at him
"Why not?!" She spat
"I found an old book, with all the older stories in, the ones just before your parents book!"
"Your father always thought that his father was a drunk and he drove his cart into a ravine right?" He grabbed her arm to make her listen carefully
"I think so.., I'm not sure about what it was exactly though you'd have to ask him or Henry, what's that got to do with Killian?" She stepped back again and yanked her arm out of his grasp

"Well whatever you thought... I can guarantee it's not what happened!"
"Skip to the part about Killian!"
"The book I found... it had how your grandfather died in it..."
"Spit it out August!"
"It was Killian..."
"What was?"
"The one who killed him... it was Killian!" August looked at the floor
And then when there was no response he looked back up and saw that she was just looking at him with a raised brow
"You realise I just told you your boyfriend murdered your grandfather right?" He double checked

"You realise it was probably over 50 years ago right? And besides it's not like he did it because he knew who my grandfather was," Emma shook her head
"He killed a person!" August spat at how unresponsive Emma had been to the news
"More then one... but I've already forgiven his past so going back on it now would be pointless, I just don't see it as that big of a deal,"
"Will your father agree?"
"It doesn't matter, because he isn't going to find out,"
"He deserves to know!"
"Why? It will only bring up old wounds that are healed already"
"We need to tell him."
"You need to let it go!"
"Never!" August yelled at her
"Why are you so caught up on this?" Emma stepped back as August walked forward
"Why AREN'T you?!" He pushed her against the wall creating a loud thud
"Get off me!"
"He is dangerous Emma! He'll hurt you! Everyone always does in the end!"!He grabbed her wrist tightly
"You're hurting me now!" She tries to pull out of his grasp but he wouldn't let go.
"In this world it's kill or be killed!"

She could've used magic but she didn't want to hurt him and she had a feeling something was wrong with him.

Suddenly the weight was gone, Emma opened her eyes and Killian was punching August into the floor.
"Killian stop!" Emma yelled but he carried on "please! I don't think it was him!" Emma touched Killian's arm and he reluctantly stopped his attack on the unconscious August.

He pulled her into a hug and then examined her wrist, clenching his jaw when he saw the redness and bruising,
"What do you mean you don't think it was him?" He kissed her wrists
"I feel like it was..."
"Who em?"

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