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Killian and Henry stalked there way towards the large green root which was barely visible in the moonlight but hook saw everything clearly for the first time since he lost his swan.
"The beanstalk," Killian said
"Wow, I didn't realise just how tall it really was,"Henry gazed up at the plant towering up into the stars.
"Aye, let's just say that's not a journey I'd take again," Killian laughed a little sitting at a log in the dry mud.
"Why'd you do it the first time anyway? I wouldn't have," Henry laughed
"I don't do it for what was at the top really," Killian sighed, Henry raised his eyebrow at him
"It was more like... who I was climbing with," Killian added looking at the ground.

Henry realised he was talking about Emma and knew he probably shouldn't push it any further now. He took a seat on the log beside him
"Why?" Henry asked curiously
"Why what?" Killian asked still staring up at the beanstalk as if he was waiting for her to climb down it.
"You just met her... why would you want to help her climb that to get home to her family when she didn't even know you?"
"Because... ever since I lost Milah I had a hole in my heart, I was alone... the moment I looked at Emma I felt whole again and I didn't want to let that feeling go," Killian explained holding back the tears that formed in his eyes.
"She feels the same about you you know," Henry tapped him on the shoulder
"I hope so," Killian sighed, the truth was, he was scared... what if she didn't love him anymore? What if he had blown it? He didn't think he'd be able to live without her.
"I know she did, before she met you she was used to be alone, she never had a family and you gave her what I and the rest of her family couldn't give her..." Henry smiled at him
"What?" Killian's asked
"Someone who's never let her down, someone to rely on,"
"I did let her down... she's in this because of me!" He looked at the ground and clenched his jaw tight, he wasn't mad at Henry he was mad at himself.
"Before we went to the underworld I asked her why she'd potentially give up her whole life for one person and she told me that she wasn't the same person without you, she said the only regret that she'd have was that she only had one life to give to save you," Henry told Killian.

This made Killian smiled, she'd said she loved him and he believed her but he didn't realise the extent.
"Thanks Henry," he smiled but Henry wasn't looking at him, his attention was at something beside the beanstalk
"You alright lad?" He asked him
Henry didn't answer but he stood up and walked over to the beanstalk staring at something on the floor beside it,
"This plant," he stared pointing at the plant on the floor with black and red flowers all over it "it's different from the others,"
"What are you talking about?" Killian asked walking over to Henry
"I think I know what this is..." Henry smiled
"What is it?" Killian asked raising his eyebrow
"Charming said that the flower of his and snows true love was at the place that they first knew they loved eachother,"
"But I don't think they were ever are here,"
"No.... but you and my mom were,"
"Oh lad I don't think she loved me here," Killian rubbed the back of his ear awkwardly
"I think she loved you before she knew she did," Henry smiled

Killian just stared at the plant in disbelief, he thought she didn't love him until she realised she could trust him and she basically said she didn't trust him and left him at the top of the bloody thing.

"I'm sorry, I can't take a chance that I'm wrong about you," she had told him ripping away the hope he'd had of her loving him back.

Charming ran up behind them
"Where the hell have you been?" Charming asked out of breath before he noticed the plant in the floor, "is that?"
"I think it is," Henry smiled
"Are we sure?" Killian asked still not completely convinced
"It doesn't hurt to have a little hope," Henry laughed
"It does if it's given falsely," Killian sighed
"Well, there is only one way to find out," charming interrupted bending down to take off a trimming of the plant
"Give me your hand," charming told Killian and he obliged.

Charming ran a thorn of the plant across Killian's hand and he winced at the pain but he knew it wasn't half as painful as being apart from his true love.
"What now?" Killian asks watching the blood drip down his hand
"Watch," charming told him

Charming told Henry to grab hook and so did he, about 30 seconds later the blood started to glow until it was so bright they couldn't see what was around them, when the light faded they were stood in front of storybrookes hospital.

They all looked at each other and then ran into the hospital, dodging patients and nurses as they sped through the maize to Emma's hospital room.
When they reached the door charming stood staring at it before Killian swung it open, he didn't have time to waist his loves heart was breaking and he needed to fix it.

Walking into the room his mouth dropped open at what he saw!

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