Leave them!

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The room was trashed, the window was wide open and the contents of the room had been thrown across the room... and there was no Emma!

He saw snow bleeding in the corner and he ran to help her,
"What happened?" Killian asked as charming ran to her and picked her up off the floor,
"Anne," she choked before she became unconscious
"Help!!!" Charming screamed running into the corridor with snow in his arms tightly.

Whilst snow was being seen to hook and Henry searched the room for clues as to what happened.
"She couldn't have been far," Henry said moving pieces of glass from the floor with his foot "the plant sends you back to your true love... we must have ran the wrong way," Henry sighed

"She's awake," charming told them, dried tears on his cheeks as he lead them down a corridor to where snow was sat on a hospital bed, Henry ran to her an hugged her when he saw her, she hugged him back and smiled before kissing him on the top of his head.
"What happened?" Killian asked running her arm to show he was worried she smiled and then started to explain what had happened,

She told them how one minute nothing was wrong and the next Anne had stormed in all angry and furious, she was holding something glowing in her hand so she told Regina to take Emma and keep her safe, she said that Regina took her somewhere that she didn't even know and now we are waiting for Regina to return.

A few hours later Regina ran in,
"Thank god your ok!" Regina sighed as she ran to snow and hugged her tight,
"Where's Emma?" Killian interrupted
"Well I missed you too guy liner!" Regina rolled her eyes sarcastically, Killian's didn't find it as funny and clenched his jaw
"Alright alright chill out captain jaw clench she is safe dr whale is with her making sure she stays stable until you came back," she told him
"Well I'm back now,"

"I can see that!" Anne snapped from the door "I can not believe I let you play me again!"
"Why? If you hate me then let Emma go," Killian told her
"Erm... fine she can live, that's if she wants to when she realised that her family are at the bottom of the ocean," she laughed before throwing a jar of dust over them knocking them all out."

When they woke up they were all tied up and lying on the deck of the jolly Rodger.
"What the hell?" Killian huffed as he tried to get out of the rope tying him to Henry.
"Finally," Anne rolled her eyes filing her nails as she lays on the side of the boat "you guys really like to dose off,"
It was now dark and there wee a few lanterns hanging from ropes to light up the deck.

"Why are you doing this?" Snow asked
"Why not?" Anne asked
"Because there are people who rely on us!" Regina snapped
She just stared at them staring for at least a minute "sorry I was just trying to figure out if I cared and I came to the conclusion... I really don't!" She laughed forcing Killian to his feet with a sword against his throat
"You ready to walk the plank captain?" She asked pushing him towards the edge of the ship
"Wait!" He shouted turning swiftly aspiring the blade "let them go, you can do what you will to me just don't bring them into it... it has nothing to with them!" Killian spat
"Keep walking, stop trying to act like the hero when we all know what you really are," Anne laughed "a pirate!"

She pushed him to the end of the deck and then onto the plank and poked him with the sword.
"You know... it's actually kind of sad, we could have been bad together!" She laughed about to push him off the end before suddenly there was a loud ripping noise.

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