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As hook walked down the docks and onto the Jolly Roger he couldn't help but let his mind drift as to why Emma was acting so weird and pushing him away, he liked her walls, he liked being the one to pull them down but she wasn't letting him this time and it really hurt.
"Is Emma not coming?" Regina asked
"Nope," Hook  replied trying not to grit his teeth
"Why not?" Henry asked
"Preoccupied!" He replied "now are we sailing or just staying docked all day?" He said and they all got the hint and changed subject quickly.

Emma hated the fact she was pushing hook away when all she wanted to do was embrace him... she knew she had to book an appointment for that jab... and sooner rather then later.
She drove straight over to the hospital and went to the front desk
"How may I help you?" An elderly women asked looking at Emma over her news reporter style glasses
"Erm... I was hoping I could book an appointment to see a doctor," she asked
"Which doctor?" She asked looking through the system in front of her
"Erm... any... preferably a female," she replied
"Well, all the females doctors are fully booked up right now but we do have another doctor here although he is a male..." the women sighed
Emma didn't really feel comfortable with having a male doctor give her a jab in the arse but not as uncomfortable as pushing hook away was making her
"Fine, when is the soonest time you can do it!" Emma asked
"Erm there is an appointment next week on Wednesday at 10:45," she replied
"Perfect!" Emma smiled
"Wait I need you to fill in one of these forms," the women handed her a new patient form
"What? Resident number... curse number... I don't know any of this.." Emma replied looking at all the questions in the paper
"Well then you can go to the mayor, I hear she is nice these days," she smiled gesturing for the next customer to come forward
"Great... just fantastic!" Emma sighed.

Charming looked across the ship to see hook staring into the horizon and figured he'd go and see what was wrong
"Nice view," charming said leaning against the side of the ship
"What? Erm yes stunning," hook added quickly as charming had brought him out of a deep day dream
"You alright?" Charming asked
"Didn't know you cared mate," hook replied
"I love Emma and Emma loves you so..." charming explained
"Ye well apparently everyone loves Emma," hook rolled his eyes and took a swig of his rum
"Sorry?" Charming asked
"Who was Emma with before she met me?" He asked
"Erm... Neal.." charming replied
"No I mean just before she met me was she romantically linked to anyone in storybrooke?" Hook asked again
"Why do you ask?" Charming replied
"Because she's hiding something and she's pushing me away!" Hook replied
"And you think she's cheating???" Charming asked shocked and taking Killian's  rum off of him as hook just rolled his eyes
"Well she's not!" He said throwing the flask of rum into the sea
"How would you know?" Hook asked
"Because she loves you... and only you!" Charming replied
"Well then why would she rather spend the day with august then with me?" Hook asked
"Oh stop being childish... she's not with august you idiot," charming shook him
"Well then why lie?" Hook asked as Reginas phone started to ring

"Hey Emma what's up?" Regina answered
"Nothing much I was just wondering if you knew my resident number?" Emma asked
"Not off the top of my head but it will be In my office why?" Regina replied
"Because I was filling out a sheet and It's asking for way more information then I know," Emma replied
"What kind of sheet?" Regina asked
"A patient form," Emma replied
"What why?" Regina asked shocked which made everyone jump up and want to know what was going on
"Erm... I'll help you when I get back," Regina replied as everyone tried to listen in and she sensed that Emma wouldn't want everyone to know
"Ok, thanks I'll see you later," Emma replied
"Bye Emma," Regina hung up
"What was that about?" Snow asked first
"It was nothing!" Regina said quickly  putting her phone into her pocket.

"See!" Hook said to charming
"She's pushing you away for another reason trust me!" Charming said
"No offence mate... but you don't know that!" Hook sighed
"Actually I do..." charming said without thinking
"What?" Hook asked quickly
"Fine but I didn't tell you... i think it's because it's the time of the month that isn't best for being too intimate," he tried explaining but he wasn't getting the hint and just stared at him blankly
"She's on her period!" Charming finally said
"Oh! That's why... but why didn't she tell me?" Hook asked feeling sorry for thinking she'd cheat and for shouting at her in granny's
"Probably because she's a strong person hook, and she likes to think she can do it alone even if she cant," charming gave him a tap on the shoulder as hook turned the ship back to shore.
"Thanks mate," hook nodded
"For Emma," charming nodded and walked back to snow.

Emma drove home after waiting at the docks for a while because all she wanted was a hot chocolate and water bottle. When she got home she snuggled up and messaged Regina saying she'd meet her tomorrow instead. she realised she didn't have any hot chocolate... or a water bottle so she settled with a slice of yesterday's cold pizza and a pillow and went back to her half watched Sherlock.

When hook docked he went straight to granny's and Bought two hot cocoas with cinnamon and then stopped by the store and got some ice cream and chocolate (which snow had recommended) and went straight home .

When he got in he saw the tv on and walked into the kitchen.
'Great he's still mad at me' Emma thought to herself.
He stuck a spoon into the ice cream and took it into the living room placing it on the coffee table in front of  Emma who was sprawled along the couch, he lifted her legs and sat on the other end before placing her legs back on top of him and snuggled back into the couch not looking at Emma once.

He couldn't take it any more he had to look and when he did she was just looking at him with confusion on her face (and it wasn't just because of the confusing tv show).
"My dad?" She suddenly realised hanging her head in shame.
He pulled her legs so they were closer together and lifted her chin with his hook
"You could've told me, what did you think they did in the enchanted forest?" Hook laughed looking into her eyes
"I'm sorr..." she began before hook cut her off with a kiss
"I told you swan! I'm a fan of every part of you," he told her handing her the tub of ice cream and trying to take some before she swatted his hand away
"If you want some you need to grow a vagina and the wait for it to practically die every month and I might consider letting you share," she teased lying back down onto the sofa .

Hook laughed and took his boots and leather jacket off before snuggling into the couch behind Emma and pulling her towards him. He gently put his warm hand under the bottom of Emma's shirt and placed it on her stomach which oddly was actually helping with the pain.
"I wanted a hot water bottle but you'll have to do," Emma laughed giving hook a spoonful of her ice cream.
Hook laughed and rubbed his hand slowly on her stomach soothing her pain and pretty much making her fall to asleep.
"Bed?" He asked kissing her on the top of the head
"Mhm," she managed to get out a sound that sounded like a yes as he scooped her into his arms and carried her up into their room and put her into bed before wrapping his arms round her and carrying on what he was doing downstairs and it wasn't long until they were both asleep.

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