Chapter 19

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Alice and Carol lead us through the hallways. I see all the bloodied guards sprawled on the floor, and shudder.

How many people did they mercilessly kill?

They lead us out back to a big 18 Wheeler Truck with an orange logo on the side that says "Send 'em sunshine. Gift Citrus from Florida."

They open the back of the truck, and we weren't the first ones there

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They open the back of the truck, and we weren't the first ones there.

About 50 other kids are in the back, all with grim faces.

I turn to Alice and once again kick at her with my bad leg because I am so stupid, but she catches it, and twists my leg.

Pain courses through my knee, and I fall to the ground, clutching it tightly.

"Aren't you such a fighter now," Alice laughs, pulling my hair back.

I jerk my head forward and scowl at her. "Mean people don't bother me a bit. Mean people who disguise themselves as nice people bother me a WHOLE LOT. And last time I checked, you acted as a sweet mother only to stab me in the back!"

"What can I say. I keep my friends close, but my enemies closer." She says, pulling on my shirt.

"So you were just using me the whole time! You never really wanted to adopt me for who I am, but only adopt me for what I can do."

"Of course not! I told you when we got you, 'you were special!' The 'Dark One' told me, so that's why I adopted you! Why would a mother of two want to adopt a sixteen year old girl for!? My family is great without you."

"Oh yah!" I bark. "Do Livy and Brody believe that too! Do they even know about the 'Dark One'?"

"Well, no..."

"Oh, so these kids who you 'love so much' think you're away on a 'business trip'?"

"You know what Noelani, my family life is none of your concern!" 

"My concern! I used to be a part of your 'family life'! What are you going to tell Livy when I don't come home? She loves me you know! Unlike someone I know!" I scowl, letting all my anger out on her. I trusted her! She sang her 'special song' to me! Does that not mean anything!

Alice is so mad I can imagine smoke coming out of her ears.

"I didn't realize you were an expert on my life and how I should live it! Open your mind not your mouth! A sharp tongue is no indication of a keen mind!" She yells at me. 

"Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing! God gave me a mouth so I can use it!"

I slowly stand up, wincing, trying to keep my knee as still as possible.

Alice glares at me, and slaps my right cheek with the back of her hand, causing her ring to cut a deep gash on my cheek.

I wince, as I feel blood trickling down my cheek.

"C'mon Alice, we're wasting time," Carol says.

"You're right. Let's load them in."

Carol picks a struggling Kayla up, and throws her in the back.

Then Alice picks me up, and Carol picks Levi up, and throw us both in the back.

Levi slides into Kayla, and I slide into an older boys leg.

"Ta ta! I'll see you all later!" Carol laughs, and they close the big door, leaving us in almost complete darkness. There's only a slight ray of light coming from the single window connecting the back to the front of the truck.

I scootch over to Levi, and lay my head on his shoulder. 

"You okay Noelani?" He asks at the worst time possible.

"I'm great," I try to say, but my voice cracks a bit.

How can I be okay? My new family who I thought actually loved me, really don't. The ones who I thought really cared about me only cared about what I could do for them. They didn't adopt me for me, they adopted me because of my potential. My powers. My stupid powers.

A single tear rolls down my cheek, mixing in with the blood, then drops to the floor, leaving a stain.

Levi notices the tear and turns my face toward him.

"Lani. I-I," Levi is at a loss for words. Then it hits me. Alice and Mark are his aunt and uncle. He's known them way longer than me! I can't imagine how he feels!

"Levi, I'm sorry." I slip my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

"Kayla? You in?" Levi asks, holding out his hand.

She takes his hand, giving it a squeeze.

We sit in silence for a while, holding hands in complete darkness.

After ten minutes Mikeel, Mark, and Bill open the door, and throw in Annabeth, Axel, Belle, Olly, and Clarisse.

"That's all we have time for boys, we can't go back for more!" Alice calls from the front.

So Mikeel shuts the door and locks it, then all three head to the front.

Axel scoots over and sits next to Kayla, wrapping his arm around her.

I see Annabeth and Belle, cowering alone, and I say to them, "Anna, Belle, come here!"

They look up at me, and scoot over as well.

Annabeth sits next to me, so I wrap my arm around her, and she falls asleep.

Belle sits next to her, and I reach my hand out, and she gladly takes it.

"Olly? Clarisse?" I offer, trying to be as nice as possible.

"Sure," Olly says. 

He sits next to Axel, then Clarisse sits next to Olly.

A boy scoots next to Belle and taps her shoulder, and holds out his hand.

She takes his hand, and soon, all of the kids add on to our chain, creating a horseshoe shape around the walls of the truck, everyone leaning against a person, and the back walls.

We all just sit in silence. Soaking in the feeling of comfort, and knowing that we're not alone on this torturous ride in life.


Wow! What's going to happen next? Find out in the next chapter! And remember, please vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

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