Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

That's all I can hear. My head is throbbing. And I can't seem to open my eyes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Come on! Why can't I move?

Then I hear some footsteps.

"How is she Doc?"

Oh good, that's Alice.

"She'll live. But who knows what she'll remember, or how she'll recover."

That must be the doctor. So I'm in a hospital! But...why?

"I-I can't believe she's alive!" A familiar male voice says.

And there's Mark! I wonder if Livy and Brody are around?

"It is a miracle. I'm hoping she will wake up soon." The doctor says.

But I am awake! Well, sort of. I just!

I force my eyes open and squint at the light.

"M-Mark? Alice?" I whisper. My voice is all crackly and dry.

"Noelani! Oh she's awake!" Alice frantically tells the doctor.

"Ah, Noelani! How do you feel?" The doctor asks.

I smack my dry lips. "Well, my throat is dry, and I'm very hot."

"Understandable. I'll get you a glass of water. And you'll soon cool off, your body is just adjusting."

The doctor leaves the room and I look at Mark and Alice.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well...honey..." Alice voice cracks, and she nudges Mark.

" were...struck by lightning in the storm." He explains.

"What! I...I got struck by lightning...and survived?" I say, shocked.

"And, with no marks whatsoever. Just a tiny scar above your right eyebrow. It's a miracle actually." Alice explains.

*Now, let's pause here. You may be thinking. Who are Alice and Mark? And who are Livy and Brody? Well, in order for you to understand it all, let's start where it all began...*

Oahu, Hawaii

"Noelani! Noelani! Come on! Or we'll be late!"

"I'm not going, Makuahine!" I call back.

*Makuahine is mother in Hawaiian. Pronounced  "mah-koo-ah-hee-neh". Also just mama. Makuakāne is father. Pronounced  "mah-koo-ah-kāh-neh". Also just papa. Kaikunāne is older brother in Hawaiian. Pronounced "kai-koo-nāh-neh".*

"Oh yes you are! Your Makuakāne is waiting in the car, as well as your Kaikunāne!"

"But Mama why?"

"Why do you have to go to this!? It's the annual Aloha festival! And your friend Alani is in the Hula!"

"But mama! It's the same every year! All the tourists ruin everything! And I'm old enough to stay home!"

"Fine! Stay home. But me and your Makuakāne are going to punish you when you get home!"

"Fine!" I yell.

I hear mom slam the door and go out. I watch them out the window as they leave.

I'm sorry mama. But I can't face Haulani again. He keeps harassing me, for no apparent reason!

I turn on the TV and flip through the channels until I just stop on the news. A lady was giving a weather report when the famous news reporter, Sabrina Mahaloa interrupts.

"Breaking News! A green Jeep accidentally swerves into a tree on Aala Street, trying to avoid another car. The Jeep instantly caught on fire. Let's get a closer look to see if they're okay." that?

"It seems that there are two adults, and one teen." 

The camera zooms in on the family.

"Mama! Papa! Kahawai! I've got to get down there!" I rush to the door, and run out, not even bothering to put shoes on.

Aala street isn't too far from my house. 

Are they gonna be okay?

I'm freaking out, and my feet are killing me, but I press on.

I finally make it to the street, and gasp at what I see. There are police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances everywhere.

The firemen are still trying to put out the fire in the completely wrecked Jeep.

I run up to the police tape, and see a nearby police officer.

"Excuse me, miss! Please, can you let me in! That's my family!"

The officer walks over and grasps my hand.

"I'm sorry dear, but you'll just get in the way. They're trying to get your family out of the car. But once their out of the car, I'll let you see them." She sympathetically says.

I can only nod, tears welling in my eyes. 

They have to make it. They just have to!

I turn around, and see a familiar truck pull up.

Alani jumps out of the passenger seat and runs over to me.

"I saw it on the news, and went to your house, but you weren't home, so I was guessing you were here. Oh Noelani!" She gives me a huge hug.

I hesitate at first, but then I embrace her and start sobbing. I couldn't hold them back any longer.

I feel a hand rub my back and look up to see Mr. Ouakai, Alani's papa.

He just looks at me, without saying a word, and gives me a hug.

The officer I talked to earlier runs back to me and says, "uh...miss...your...your family...?" She nervously says. She must know something.

I run under the tape and sprint over to the ambulance to the three bodies on the stretchers.

I run to my Makuahine first. "Mama?" Nothing.

I look over at my Makuakāne. Nothing.

Then I look over at Kahawai. My dear Kaikunāne. Again...nothing.

A fireman touches my shoulder, sympathetically.

I look up with tears in eyes when he says what I feared the most.

"I'm sorry, miss. They're all dead."  

I just stand there, shocked for a minute, shaking my head in disbelief. 

What now? I fall to my knees, and collapse on the ground, shaking.

They're dead. They're all dead.

I close my eyes, not wanting to wake up and live this nightmare.

Someone nudges me gently.

"Come on dear," the voice says.

But I don't move, I can't move. A few short minutes later I feel strong hands pick me up in a cradle, and carry me.   

I hear a door open, and I'm layed in a car.

I feel someone sit next to me, and stroke my hair. 

I briefly open my eyes to see Alani stroking my tangled hair, and Mr. Ouakai behind the wheel.

Then, I get really dizzy, and black out.


Aww! Poor Noelani! I hope you liked the chapter, (even though it was sad), and stick with me with this book! Please vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

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