Chapter 14

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I wake up, but I'm not in Resleda's house. I'm hooked up to a weird machine, in an all green, box-shaped room.

Levi is all the way across me, hooked up to a different machine.

"Levi!" I call, trying to wake him up.

He stirs a bit, mumbles, and turns his head to the left.

Ugh! Where the hell am I and how did I get here!

Then the door to the room slides open and a man walks in.

He looks over at Levi, sees that he is sleeping, then looks at me.

"Ah, so one of you is awake."

"What do you want with me!?" I scowl.

The man chuckles. "You'll find out soon enough when you meet the boss."

"The boss? What? Where am I?" I ask.

"Confidential." He replies.

Fine, time for some mid reading.

I look into his eyes, feel the tingle climb up my back, but instead of reading his thoughts, a rippling pain courses through my head.

"Ow!" I wince, grabbing my head.

"There are consequences when you do that." The man laughs.

He walks over to Levi and nudges him.

"Boy. Get up!"

Levi stirs, mutters something again, but doesn't wake up.

"Get up!" The man yells in his face.

Levi jolts awake, looks around, and finds my face. He sighs a breath of relief, then glares at the man.

"Both of you, are coming with me."

"How am I going to do that? I can't walk!" I protest.

"You have crutches next to you." He says, rolling his eyes.

He goes over to Levi, unhooks him from the machine, and does the same with me.

Levi runs over to me, helps me get up, and hands me the crutches.

"Thanks," I whisper. He nods solemnly.

The man comes behind us, and orders, "move it! I'll tell you which way to turn."

He leads us down an all green hallway. Then I realize, both me and Levi are wearing all green clothes, along with the man.

What is it with this place and green?

After a long walk of twists and turns, and my armpits hurting from the uncomfortable crutches, we finally make it to a room.

As all the other rooms, this one is also green, with green lounge chairs and a green desk. There's a huge window-wall behind the desk, overlooking a green courtyard with green bushes and flowers.

All this green makes me want to go on a color strike, and wear all white clothes.

"Sit," the man says, pointing to the two lounge chairs in front of the desk.

Levi helps me sit down, and once we are both seated, manacles come up from the armrests and clamp onto our hands.

"So you two don't get any ideas while I go get the boss," the man explains. And with that, he turns, and shuts the big green doors behind him.

"Are you okay?" Levi asks.

"Yah, I'm fine. You?"

"I'm fine too. But it's weird how this whole place is blue."

"Blue? No it's green. I'm wearing green, all the hallways and everything is green. It's like the modernized Emerald City!"

"No, it's all blue to me." Levi says, confused. "Why do I see one color and you see the other?"

"Very good question," a cold, distant voice replies.

"Excuse me? Who's there?" Levi calls out.

"Behind you," the voice responds.

I strain my neck to look behind me. A tall, slender woman wearing an all black dress, with long slick black hair, and dark raven eyes.

She walks behind the desk, and sits in the chair.

"This is my special design. I use prism material, my own creation that portrays the look of its material as your most favored color. So for me, it's black. For you two, it's blue for Levi and green for Noelani."

"But you're wearing black. Why isn't it green or blue or whatever?" Levi asks.

"That's simple. Because I am wearing clothes not made out of my prism material."

"So are we going to sit here all day taking about colors or what?" I remark.

"Ah, the famous Noelani has spoken. Big loud-mouth stubborn girl with the hyperactive kicking legs."

I scowl at her as she says each name. "Who are you, where am I, and why am I here?!" I ask rudely, trying to get to the point.

"Slow down dear," the woman says in her silky, annoying creepy voice.

"My name is Jillian La Fayette, the president and founder of UPP, or Unusual Phenomenon Preventors. You are at the UPP Headquarters."

"I don't care that I'm at a UPS place," 

"UPP," Jillian corrects me.

"Whatever. Why am I here!?" I ask impatiently.

"You and Levi, like many other children, have unusual powers, that need to be harvested and controlled. Our facility uses special machines to understand your ability and hopefully extract it from you to be used for good. We will test you with different formulas and scans to try and understand your unique quality."

I look over at Levi. The tingle crawls up my back and I read, So basically a lab rat.

I nod sadly.

"Now you two will come with me and meet the others.

The manacles slowly unclamp from around our wrists, and we follow her down the green/blue/whatever color it is hallway.


Hope you liked it! I know it's been a while, but I was studying for finals. But good news! I'm finally out of school which gives me more time to write! Yay! Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow! Love you all!

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